www or non www? How to Set Your Preferred Domain

Learn the difference between having www in your URL and no www and how it affects your SEO efforts.

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  1. T I Antor says

    Hey, Alex,
    Another excellent stuff!
    This post is really helpful for the new users and as well as me, because i have learned about the use of www and no www for a site. Thank you very much for sharing this useful post. Have agrat weekend!

  2. Vipul Baldaniya says

    This is a really great piece of content. I loved it.
    You did a great job in explaining it. Keep up the great work!
    Thanks for the share! @Alex

  3. Saikat Ghosh says

    Thanks for posting this nice article!!
    I want to know that should I add canonical only on home page or on all pages?

  4. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Thanks for this detailed explanation on choosing www or Non www versions of website. Its solely depends on our personal preferences as you have said in this post. However I prefer to use WWW versions for my website and blogs. Thanks for sharing these great insights.

    Have a great day 🙂

  5. Kumar says

    This is the great Important knowledge on the WWW, today I know where I’ve lacked for my website. I’ve discarded www version of my website. Today I’ve learned more important tips for my website.

    Thanks for posting such technical sound topics!

  6. steve says

    We always used to suggest using www as a certain demographic would automatically add www to any domain you gave them, and older web platforms would add it automatically as well, but that seems less prevalent nowdays, so we have switched to recommending using the non www version, as long as you have a 301 set up.

    I have a quick question about canonical tags. Some publishing platforms (notably medium) allow you to add a cross domain canonical tag, so you can republish your blog content on their platform, seemingly gaining additional exposure without any negative SEO consequences.

    This looks like an attractive idea, but i am skeptical about how well it would work – do you have any experience with this?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Steve

      You can safely republish your content on other platforms (like medium), provided that you set the canonical URL to point to the original source (i.e. your website). If you do this for all the posts you republish, you have nothing to worry about SEO.

      Hope this helps

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Billy

      Thanks for your comment. Having no www in your domain is just fine. It’s a matter of personal preference.

      All the best

  7. Kieron says

    Thanks Alex for good solid overview on “to www or not”. I’ve directed a few clients to your blog already. This subject comes up more that you’d think. Helpful to have what we’ve been preaching confirmed. 🙂

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Kieron

      Thanks for your comment. It’s true that a lot of website owners don’t know about this or just ignore it. But setting your preferred domain is important for technical SEO.


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