What Is The Difference Between Onsite And Offsite SEO?

Learn what onsite SEO is and how it differs from offsite SEO. How to use both for maximum exposure to search engines.

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  1. Tippi says

    Hi Alex. There are two things I want to ask of you.
    1. I wrote my content without using any keyword. My site title, content title, and the description in the first paragraph, everything is unmatched. So it’s hard to get page ranking. I want to refine my content by stuffing some (key)words in it. But I have submitted all my content to Google webmaster tools a month ago. What should I do?
    2. I can’t afford keyword tools because they are pricey and I don’t understand how to use Google adwords. Is there any other way to search for some good keywords that I can use for my site content?

    Thank you,


  2. Marcus says

    Great article. I just learned the basics about the different types of SEO strategies. I can now move on to research more about it and improve the knowledge I need to start providing these services to my clients. I appreciate. Is there anything else you recommend me doing?

  3. Darpan says

    Great article and well articulated! I have learnt lot of basics and applied soon will start some adv tricks. Thanks Alex

  4. Panagiotis Kontogiannis says

    The most important thing in SEO is the increase in organic visitors. Keyword handling helps the site appear on the first page of the Google, and so increase attendance, but the most important thing is to enter more users. And the quality of the service or the goods will determine if they will buy.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Panagiotis

      That’s correct, the main goal of SEO is to increase organic visitors and keywords play a vital role in the whole process.

      All the best

  5. Farhan says

    Thanks for your comment. The best way to approach SEO learning is to start with the basics and then gradually move on to the more advanced topics. This Guide.Great article. I just learned the basics about the different types of SEO strategies. I appreciate.

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