What is Natural Link Building? Examples and Case Study

Everything you need to know about natural links. How to get natural links to your website and boost your rankings.

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  1. George says

    The only reason you got those links is because the content is related to the industry. Most of the time normal people that don’t know about SEO won’t magically link to content. Webmasters of sites outside the industry will rarely do this which is why the “write good content and you will get links mantra” is extremely misleading.

    Great link bait though to promote your services 🙂

    • Alex says

      George Hi

      Thank you for your comment.

      I don’t expect from anyone outside the SEO industry to link to the content of this blog. I actually don’t want these kind of links but I want links from related websites (like the ones listed above).

      I have many other examples to share from websites in different niches that get ‘natural links’ because of the content and I do disagree with the statement that “write good content and you will get links mantra is extremely misleading.”.

      As I mentioned in the post, it took me years to understand natural link building and in my opinion the mistake that most bloggers do at the beginning is that they give up too quickly. They either don’t give the necessary attention to the content or they don’t bring it in front of the people that could potentially link to it.

      Thanks again for taking the time to comment.

  2. Romjan Dhayan says

    This is another awesome blog post from you. Yeah i will agree with you for getting natural link building by creating good content. In the internet everyone wants to get quality content. Thanks for sharing this post with us.

  3. Chetan Jadhav says

    You’re superb pal! Somehow I found your blog When I was googlin’ “SEO Audit Checklist” and google landed me on your blog. still i’m reading your blog. Okay it’s time to come to the point, you say natural link building is better for seo i am also at one with you on this point but, It’s too difficult to earn natural backlinks and i hope so you know that now my point is instead of it what you do you do to earn backlinks. Don’t you perform any manually artificial linkbuilding.

  4. paul reffill says

    Alex, Because of you i liked and subscribed reliablesoft. Your blogs are really motivating for SEO purpose. I believe a thing that content will always be a king to the genuine traffic and natural links

  5. Matt says

    Natural link building is hard. In fact, I have been trying to build links naturally for years. Having a blog where you can post new material helps a lot. On the other hand, one cannot expect that by writing new enticing content, links will start flowing in naturally.

    • Alex says

      Hi Matt

      It is true, natural link building is hard and as you said, you can not expect that just by writing great content links will start to flow in. You need to get out and promote your content, and spend time in making your content ‘known’ to other bloggers.


  6. Happy Raj says

    A very useful piece of article, however, can you please elaborate how to create natural links other than just publishing quality content? can we do infographic outreach? is it natural?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Raj

      Yes you can do an infographic outreach and get links naturally. If the links are not paid for then there is nothing to worry about. There is nothing wrong from contacting other webmasters and letting them know about your infographic. If they like it, they will add to their websites and link back to the source. That’s perfectly fine.


  7. Marcus Ollison says

    I’m not sure if there is an exact science when it comes to natural backlink practices. I assume everyone has their own opinion on what is actually the right way to gain backlinks

  8. sanket says

    Today i have learned alot from your article.Your article is very informative and i guess it will help me in building natural Backlinks & increase organic traffic of my website . I was searching for a good article to start on and i found your useful article.Thanks a lot…


  1. […] Natural link building happens when other websites, bloggers and web owners from your niche link to your content on their own. […]

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