What Does A Digital Marketing Manager Do?

Learn what a digital marketing manager does daily. Find out the requirements and skills to become a digital marketing manager.

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Digital Marketing Full Course


  1. Varsha says

    Hi , I was searching online about the responsibilities of DM manager but in your blog I also got updated about the difference between SEO and DM manager.Well explained .Thanks for sharing this info.Regards Varsha

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Varsha

      A digital marketing manager has more responsibilities than an SEO. An SEO is the starting point but a DM is more than that.

      Glad I could help

  2. Randeelee Miller says

    I loved this! Im 1 and am considering starting my career with computers! Am I crazy at 51 to do this? Lastly, I live in Northern California, from reading this you revealed that strong SEO skills are needed to be a successful Digital Marketing Manager. If you were me where would you go to acquire these skills? What school?
    Thank you…

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Randeelee

      Is never too late to purse a career in Digital Marketing. Take a look at our SEO Course – it includes everything you need to know to become a great SEO expert.

      All the best

  3. Vijay Nagar says

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful information, I am have been searching this type of blog and article where I can learn more about DMM position.
    Very helpful to me.

  4. Harish says

    Hi Alex,

    I was also searching for the DM Manager responsibilities. Thanks for the solid explanation. I Just want to ask you – What is the diff b//w PPC & Adwords? I always get confused. Can You simplify it for me, please?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Harish

      Adwords (now known as Google Ads) is one of the platforms you can run PPC (Pay-per-click) campaigns. There are other platforms like Microsoft Advertising to use for PPC advertising.

      So, PPC is the general term and Adwords is a tool for running PPC campaigns.

      I hope this helps

  5. Blazho Gjorgiev says

    Good clean article man. So I’m a Digital Marketing Manager. Problem is that I’m still paid as an SEO Specialist.:)

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Blazho

      Thanks for your comment. If you’re still paid as an SEO specialist but you have the experience and skills needed to work as a Digital Marketing Manager then maybe it’s time to ask for a raise or look for a better pay job 🙂

      All the best

  6. Srikanta Padhy says

    Well explained. Got Clarity on difference between SEO expert and DM. Now I am clear that I m on the right way as I started my career in SEO with overall knowledge of Digital Marketing. Now I am Working as an SEO Analyst. My next step is to become a Digital Marketing Manager. I must learn and master the other modules of Digital Marketing and I m on the way. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

  7. Umama says

    Hi Alex
    Well explained. I always wanted to learn about the responsibilities and skills of a Digital Marketing Manager. Now I’m very clear. Thank you for sharing such a piece of valuable information.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Umama

      Thanks for commenting and glad I could help you understand more about what a digital marketing manager does.

      All the best

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