What are Hashtags and How to Use Them

Learn how to use hashtags on the most popular social media networks to increase the organic visibility of your social postings.

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  1. Aswani says

    Hi Alex

    Great post as ever. Hashtags are topics of my interest. Social awareness and success relies a lot on these hashtags. Glad to learn a lot about it on your post. Keep writing.


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Aswani

      That’s true, using hashtags correctly can make a big difference in the success of your social media postings.

      All the best

  2. Amy Jackson says

    Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful post.It was definitely informative
    Thanks for sharing!
    here is my short answer Hashtags are the keywords where you use # sign and you use them for people engagement so that many people can access your account and this way your popularity increase on the platform.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Amy

      Nice definition of what a hashtag is. I agree with your 100%.

      All the best

  3. Deborah Pretty says

    Thanks, Alex, that was very helpful and straightforward. I liked all of the data as well,
    of course, that builds credibility.
    I also joined your subscriber list.

  4. Monika Nun says

    Hello, the article gave me some important news, especially the ideal number of hastags per medium. Thanks, I’ll try it.

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