Social Media VS SEO – Which is Better?

Learn the difference between SEO and Social Media and how to use both channels to boost your marketing efforts.

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  1. Loren Cowley says

    HIGH 5! Why, because this article was brilliant on all levels, concise, clean and informative without all the jargon inbetween. I believe that as SM is on the continual rise as the new “vogue” of marketing – society/businesses/entrepreneurs can be lost in the mass of content info/reviews and “advice”. It’s equally refreshing to read good, honest and clean content concerning the decision business need to focus on regarding developing SEO & SM within their business. I look forward to sharing this post and your information on your behalf as an excellent referral points for my business clientele.


    • Alex says

      Hi Loren

      First of all thank you for your nice comment.

      The reason I decided to write this article was exactly that i.e to try and help decision makers understand the need for both social and SEO as part of their online strategy. It’s not the one or the other but you need both for best results.

      Thanks again

  2. Emma Hersh says

    Nice article. I currently manage 2 of my own websites, one is purely a lifestyle/travel blog that is led purely by SEO, several pages rank #1 on Google with featured snippets etc. The other is a new site that is being led by social media. Its interesting to see the difference between the 2 strategies.

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