How To Build Your Website Structure For SEO

Learn what is the best SEO structure for your website. Step-by-step guide with examples.

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  1. Doronize says

    Wow!!! Chris i must thank you you for this content. I have been battling with how to categorize my posts on my own blog, and it’s been giving me headache for a while now.

    Thanks a lot for writing this post on how to go about website structuring. It’s really helpful so far

  2. Alex Chris says

    Hi Doronize

    Thanks for your comment. Yes, site structure is very important for SEO. It may be difficult at the beginning but once you get it right, you don’t have to deal with it again.


  3. Kyle Sloka-Frey says

    Awesome post Alex!

    I know I’ve worked at a few agencies where they just ignored site structure (even when we were the ones that made the site!) Glad to see others are realizing the potency of a well-laid site for SEO and even accessibility purposes.

  4. Thom Ho says

    Thanks for a good post which I am finding to restructure my site.
    Google often changes the games, we need to follow.

  5. amarendra says

    Great post alex !
    Now i came to know more potential about website structuring. thank you.

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