Robots.txt And SEO: Easy Guide For Beginners

Learn what a robots.txt file is, how it works and why it's important for technical SEO.

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  1. Virko Kask says

    Thank you for a great article! I have a question: is it necessary to write Allow: / if I want to disallow certain folders? Please see below for an example! If the whole page is allowed, do the Disallow work at all?

    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    Disallow: / cart /

  2. Saddam Kassim says

    Wonderful, Alex you wrote a great content on robots.txt
    I never knew before the importance of this file but just now I disallowed useless pages.

    Thanks again, man.

  3. Amit says

    amazing blog very well define robots.txt. Thanks for your great support for the beginners.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Amit

      Robots.txt optimization is an important step for beginners to SEO. Glad I could help!


  4. Mahesh Bisht says

    Amazing, Nicely explained. Thanks for sharing such kind of Knowledge. Spacial Thanks to Alex Chris Sir. Hope you’ll share more knowledge. I am new to your website but by just going through only one article, I have become your follower.

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