How to Increase Page Speed (Easy Guide)

A complete step-by-step guide on how to dramatically improve your website's page speed.

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  1. Jim says

    Thanks for this great post, the website speed really important for SEO. I always check my website speed. I want to mention, that I’m using the Autoptimize plugin over 3 months and it’s a great plugin, it really helps to increase the website speed.

  2. Prasenjit says

    Thanks, it’s a great article. I would also like ad some more points here if you please allow.
    1) You should also enable HTTP2 in server. It will give a huge boost to your website speed.
    2) Also, you can enable “Brotli compression” instead of gzip. The compression technique is more effective that gZip.
    3) And lastly, try to use webp for heavy images.


  3. Deborah says

    Thanks, great insight, I’m also considering signing up for your course.
    Super helpful post.

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