The Ideal Meta Description Length for 2021 (Study)

The ideal meta description length is 180-220 characters for both desktop and mobile. The maximum length on Google is 300 characters. Read our study for all the details.

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  1. Shovan Ghoshal says

    First of all thanks alot for clearing my confusion. Once I practiced 180+ chars in meta description, but according to Yoast SEO tool’s suggestions, I cut it down to 160 char. Now I can understand what is the ideal character limit for meta description.

  2. Manish Ladhania says

    I was always confused about how many character meta description would be idle. Reading your article helped me. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Alex says


    Wow, i find out so much today. I use Yoast to check out the meta. Yoast is only interested if the main keyword is or not within the description.

    A good META description will help you big time. Use it smart, add a special deal, put your phone number on it

    Thank you again

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