Long Tail Keywords: How To Find Them + Examples

Learn what long-tail keywords are, how to find them, and how to use them to increase your search traffic.

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  1. Rabia | Entrepreneur Friend says

    I really love your explanation of Long Tail Keywords Alex.
    It’s well articulated and will help many bloggers get a clear definition of the words and their SEO implications.

  2. Ram Prasanth says

    Wonderful post about long-tail keywords. It was helpful to me. Great post sir keep uploading content!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ram

      Thanks for your comment. Glad I could help you understand what long tail keywords are.


  3. Timothy Chilman says

    It’s SEO gospel that you use keywords in the title and once every 100 words after that. So do you do that with long-tail keywords? I think it would be overdoing it to keep repeating “SEO tips for beginners.”

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Timothy

      There is no need to repeat keywords once every 100 words, that’s actually the definition of keyword stuffing. Adding your keywords in key places (title, headings) and a couple of times naturally in the content is enough.

      I hope this helps

  4. Timothy Chilman says

    Umm… Yes, actually, that is keyword stuffing. So how often should keywords be used, including the title and headings?

  5. Timothy Chilman says

    I suppose I should mention that I’d like to know how often to do it for 500- and 1000-word pieces.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Timothy

      Write naturally for your users and you should be okay. There is no need to overthink this.


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