Ecommerce Keyword Research: Find The Best Keywords

Learn how to do keyword research for an eCommerce website. Find which keywords can generate sales for your online shop.

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  1. Amol says


    Thanks for the details,

    Can you please tell me the tools, From where we can come to know about from which keywords we are getting traffic to the website.

    This will be the great help for all of us.

    Awaiting to hear from you.


    • Alex says

      Hi Amol

      You can use the ‘Search Analytics’ report in your Google Search Console or SEMRush. When you type a domain in semrush (or the tool you are using for keyword research), it will give you a report that shows your ranking positions for various keywords. You can connect semrush with Google Search Console to find out for which keywords you get traffic.

      Hope this helps,

  2. Neha Sharma says

    Step: 5: Steal Your Competitor’s Keywords, don’t you think the chances of ranking higher becomes less when we target competitors keywords, because they already have made their presence felt with those keywords to search engines? Or is their something I missed you are trying to address?

    • Alex says

      Hi Neha

      You do have a point but consider this: when you rank for a keyword(s), you don’t hold your rankings for ever. If someone else comes up with a better page (better content + links), it will take over your positions. The same is true for your competitors. Having a clear picture on what works of a competitor, can do more good than harm.

      Hope this helps

      • Jaime Olaer says

        Hi Alex,

        Thanks for making it clear why we need to do a research on our competitor keywords especially when our competitor is ahead of us in the market for a couple of years.

        Thanks again for this wonderful piece of work.


    Awesome article,
    Keyword research is one of the main factors for blogger. Your article helps to know the technique to choose keywords for my blog.

  4. Faizan says

    I rarely comment on a website. I came via google for SEO category ecommerce pages. I wanted to read one article, I currently have 4 other tabs open. Your internal linking is great. The content is even greater! Thanks

  5. Baron says

    Great article,
    One of the best article I have read on keyword research.
    Keyword research is one of the main factors for ranking factor of any article. Again I have learn better way to do keyword research.

  6. Tarun Soni says

    Hello Alex,

    I have followed your techniques and found some idea about the keyword but again i have a query.

    How to decide to choose the keyword if the keyword has low volume but high search results. For example. a keyword ‘cheap vape juice’.

    Is it good to go with long tail keyword which has volume but, also has low search results. For example. ‘cheap vape juice free shipping’

    Is it good practice to group two keywords means one which has high volume and high search result and one which has low volume and moderate search results.

  7. Emmanuel says

    Hi alex, i have a woocommerce store that is a general store i.e i sell multiple products. my question is how do i do a keyword researce for such store and most expecially for the product page.

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