How to Learn SEO From Scratch (Includes Learning Plan)

If you want to learn SEO fast and become an expert, this guide is for you. It includes everything a beginner needs to know about SEO.

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  1. Ravi Kumar says

    Your post touches upon a lot of great points, but ultimately I think the most important thing is that as writers we should always write for the reader and never for the search engines. If you write in a natural and authoritative way, the keywords and keyphrases will follow along by default, and you’ll be optimizing your content without overthinking it.

  2. Alex Chris says

    Hi Ravi

    That’s correct. The primary role of SEO is to make the experience of the user better and writing great content that satisfies the user intent, is a good place to start!

    All the best

  3. Trish says

    Hi Alex

    Awesome post!
    Couldn’t agree more, SEO is an ongoing process and always evolving as search engines keep releasing algorithms. I guess that what keeps you on your toes.

    All the best!

  4. Jerom says

    I am a beginner. This post just gave a very clear idea of actions to take. Thanks a million Alex.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Jerom

      Thanks for your comment. All the best with your SEO learning efforts.


  5. Daniphord Mwajah says

    I am at my late 40s, and would like to learn SEO, is this something I could possibly do at this age?

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