How to SEO WordPress Category and Tag Pages

Learn how to do category page SEO and tag SEO in WordPress. A comprehensive guide for beginners with examples.

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  1. Mdu Rohtak says

    SEO is a must have task to do for any blogger/webmaster who wanted to get high quality traffic that will convert. Thanks for this post.

  2. Tahir Khan Afridi says

    Very informative article, I was searching for the exact article but I failed to browse the correct article over google search. After two days struggling with different search terms I found your website and the article is amazing. Hope everyone like me will get information about these terms Categories and Tags SEO.
    Once more time thanks buddy for such a great article. I’m developing a script for video sharing website and I have categories and every video has tags like in youtube we input tags while uploading videos.But I was worrying about how to handle Tags and i got your article.

    Tahir Afridi

  3. Narinder kumar says

    Thanks, Alex
    I face the same problem you are discussing in this post actually I am include tag and category in sitemap and next day I am seen google show tag pages and my post’s main page in google search result so that is canonical issue after reading your post I am changed all my Yoast SEO setting I also check no index tag and category in Yoast SEO sitemap thanks once again to provide an informative post.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Narinder

      I’m very glad that my article helped you solve issues with your tags and categories.

      All the best with your SEO efforts

  4. Ali Senejani says

    Hi. How do you differentiate subsequent pages’ titles in Yoast?
    For example in the blog of my website I see the same title in each page of it:
    site/blog page
    Each page gets flagged for duplicate page titles. How do you go about this?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ali

      You don’t have to worry about the titles of subsequent pages. It’s normal to have the same title as you main blog page. Google can understand that the duplication is because of paging.

      Hope this helps

  5. Nitroalis RX says

    Just wanna comment on few general things, The website layout
    is perfect, the content material is real good :

  6. Oni says

    I’m so sorry but I strongly disagree regarding no indexing tag pages. I have a medium recipes based website, and indexing these tags has allowed me to rank for long tail keywords by having a good tag strategy. I use tags as a way to make compilations that are always up to date.

    So I wouldn’t recommend that, I would encourage people to optimize them and take advantage of them instead of just making Google ignore them.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Oni

      If tags are useful for you, then I agree with you that the best approach is to optimize them and take advantage of them. In most common scenarios though, tag pages do not offer any value and in this case it’s better to noindex them.

      Thanks for your comment

  7. Dheeraj Kumar says

    Hey, this is structure of my website.

    Category 1:

    Post 1, Post 2, Post 5

    Category 2:

    Post 3, Post 5, Pist 6

    Now tell me.. Should I use categories as no index or index.

    • Alex Chris says


      You should keep your categories indexed but optimize them as described in the post.

      Hope this helps

  8. Hooman Behmanesh says

    Nice article Alex, but Yoast blog mention the different practice and said that category and tag are landing pages and important for seo and should be indexed and even category and tag pages of blog itself, indexed in google. how you explain this contradict issue? Im complete mixed UP!

  9. Shubha says

    Amazing Article Alex. I enjoyed learning new terms of SEO such as Category tag and Index tag. Understandable content. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting.

  10. Aliv Faizal M says

    Hi.. Alex,
    What if:
    I write a long description (well managed keywords, h1,h2,h3, and so forth, treated as an SEO ONPAGE OPTIMIZED PAGE) of the tag or category page, would that help with SEO?

    by the way, I really love this blog design. Simple, clean, and lovely.

  11. Michael Hardy says

    I’m heeding your advice as my search results are polluted with tag and archive references so noindex, nofollow changes are underway. However, as a Rank Math user I have other options. What about the No Image Index, No Archive, and No Snippet settings?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Michael

      You don’t have to do anything for these. This is what they do:

      Noimageindex: Disallows search engines from indexing images on a page
      Noarchive: Tells search engines not to show a cached version of a page.
      Nosnippet: Instructs search engines to not display text or video snippets.

      I hope this helps

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