How to Promote your Online Store and Increase Sales

Learn how to market your online store. These are the most effective techniques that can make a difference to your traffic and sales.

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    • Alex says

      Aamir Hi

      Thanks for commenting. It’s still a new website and my focus is to build traffic and repeating visitors at the moment. At some point I will add ads most probably but haven’t decided yet if it will be adsense or anything else.


  1. Fran Aslam says

    Coming from an experienced and educated digital marketer it is a solid article about online store.

  2. pragati says

    This is great advice. I would say that some is a bit more complex than others, both in terms of input needed and investment. Running small Facebook ads is very doable even on small budgets. And going social, having a blog or guest posting are great for visibility. Creating an Android app will still need the rest to promote the app.

    Nevertheless, these are pro tips that any one can profit from. Thanks for sharing!

    • Alex says

      Pragati Hi

      You are right, some things take more time and investment but you can use them all to promote your business online. At the end of the day a lot of ‘small’ things will make a big difference in your traffic and sales.

      Thanks for commenting


  3. Monsoonmoney says

    Great article alex, Give the ideas to low budget marketing ideas & how to get roi those articles are very helpful .

  4. jokerry says

    You are right Alex. your ten tips are very helpful for any kind of online store. But making apps is very expensive for a small store..

    • Alex says


      It is true that making an app requires a small investment but you have to think the long term benefits that a mobile app will bring to the website and business in general. Besides brand awareness if you promote it correctly you may get some leads or even sales.


  5. Janson says

    Thank you Alex to share this kinds of helpful post.. Your tips is so powerful to 1line marketting. But it’ll be better if you describe about seo.

  6. Devid says

    Lovely article thanks! Alex, you are correct. Any type of internet store will benefit greatly from your ten suggestions. Great tips! thanks for sharing.

  7. Devid says

    Excellent article, Alex. Give examples of low-cost marketing strategies and how to maximize return on investment. thanks for sharing.

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