How to increase blog traffic to 400K visitors per month (case study)

Learn what it takes to increase your Google traffic to thousands of visits per month. A step-by-step case study.

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  1. simol says

    Hi alex,

    Can you post on how to drive traffic to an ecommerce website ?


  2. Thomas Baruah says

    This is very helpful article, but can u please also write about a tech blog site ?

    • Alex Chris says

      Thank you Thomas.

      Same rules apply for tech blogs as well. Good content, lot’s of content, solid promotion techniques…I will try and find a good example of a tech blog site and expand more on this soon.


  3. Sadab Jahan says

    Thanks Alex… I am gonna apply these strategies for my own blog. I believe this will help to increase my blog’s traffic.

  4. Viral says

    Hi Alex,

    This is an extremely helpful and detailed post. Thanks so much for sharing, keep up the great work 🙂


    • Alex Chris says

      Thank you Viral. I hope this will help you achieve your traffic goals as well!

  5. Rahul Biswal says

    Hi Alex,

    I want to start a blog in health niche. But I have very low experience with it but I am very interested in it.

    Do adsense give more CPC in health niche. Your advice will be appreciable.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rahul

      It depends what is a good CPC for you. The amount you will get per click depends on a number of factors and it is not the same for all niches or even countries. The health niche has a lot of competition but also a lot of readers and advertisers. Compared to other niches (i.e. SEO), the health niche pays less but if you have a lot of traffic then you can get a good monthly income. Sorry for not being able to give you exact numbers. You can always use the google keyword tool to see the CPC for the keywords you are targeting for specific countries.

      Hope this helps

  6. Joe says

    Hi Alex, I really loved reading your post. The clarity of thought and conversation style is really cool.

    I got more from this post about setting up a profitable blog than I have from thousand dollar IM courses.

    Congratulations on the huge success of your blog and I wish you bigger success in your journey.

    You sure know what it takes to success as a blogger and I will be sure to come back to your site for more lessons.

    Do you have any ideas as to niche selection? I know you advised we blog in a field we are knowledgeable in.

    Can I pick a niche I am interested in a start a blog around that? How would you go about it if you are in my shoes?

    Also how do you find experts in a chosen field? Any thoughts on that?


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Joe

      Thanks for you nice comment!

      Before starting a new blog check a few potential keywords you would be targeting using the google keyword tool to get an idea of how many people are interested in the niche. The volume doesn’t have to be very big but it does need to have people interesting (and searching) for the niche.

      If the niche is something you know very well it will be easier for you to write good content otherwise you will have to hire experts to write the content and this will cost you a considerable amount of money in the beginning. If you are confident about the niche you can make the investment, otherwise you may end up with a blog that does not have enough readers and the initial cost to pay the experts to create the content.

      You first attempt to find experts is using websites like upwork (formerly odesk).

      Hope this helps

  7. anu says

    Can you please let me know how can we decide on which topic will write an article/blog.How can we increase ROI of our business ?

  8. Carlos says

    Impressive writing, it gives you instant credibility in this field. Continued success.

    • Alex Chris says

      Thank you Carlos. I hope this will give you a good idea on how we approach the whole SEO and digital marketing process.


  9. Akhtar says

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks very much for this very well written your experience, to get many things clear, especially to keep consistency for new post and other many things. I will surely list your blog in daily blogs read feed.

  10. Mike says

    What can i say .. lucky that u born in america. I have 20-30k visits perday, 400 clicks and how much money do i earn ? nothing. maybe 25 euro at the end of the day if i’m lucky

    Some days i wonder why i bother to continue ..

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mike

      I not in America, I am actually in Europe like you. You don’t have to be in a country to target its audience. I understand what you mean though, maybe you should start a site in English and target US and the rest of the English speaking countries instead of your country and language only.


  11. Crisostomo Ibarra says

    Thanks, Alex. for the article. Very informative. I like case studies because they really are proof that the subject in question can be done.

    While you have laid out the process, starting it really quite difficult, referring to you #1 above.
    Every time I have a niche idea and start building on it and spend long hours and days on it, I become frustrated after finding out that the big companies have already dominated the overcrowded market.

    So, my thought process is to come up with another niche idea, only to find out that again, it is dominated by big time bloggers. This leaves me out of focus all the time. This has been going on over 4 years 🙁

    If I had started a niche and kept going for four year, I was not even sure if it will be successful.

    Anyways, thanks for the very useful article.


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Cris

      I think you just highlighted one of the most important factors that keeps people from having success online. All niches are highly competitive, don’t spend your time finding a niche that’s ‘easy’. There is no easy niche. Do your research, get your plan together and start working on it.

      I understand your feelings, I also had to spend a couple of years wandering around but one thing that I learned for certain is to do more working than thinking. Even if you fail, at least you would know that you tried.

      All the best

  12. Bilal says

    Alex! I read full article its an awesome, Can you suggest some tips for blog of furniture store which kind of topics perfect for this niche?

  13. Viral says

    Hi Alex,

    Viral here again – it’s been 6 months since you published this article so I just wanted to find out how the site’s traffic has performed – has it been growing? What kind of organic search numbers are you seeing at the moment?

    My own site has started to slowly get some traction but I am still a long way off from reaching your numbers! Hopefully I should see a spike in January, similar to how you did!

    Thanks again Alex 🙂

  14. Siddaiah Thirupati says

    Hi Alex,

    Nice descriptions about blog traffic, I am blogging since one and half years in blogging tips niche where I am getting 40 visitors per day with 144 posts published, I am very depressed to see those results.

    I am thinking I did not build backlinks to blog to get organic traffic, after reading your post I am thinking I should wait some more days to get organic traffic to my blog, thanks for sharing the information, I will focus on long tail keywords from next article.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Siddaiah

      Focus on long tail keywords, do some quality link building on highly reputable websites, improve your content in any way you can and your traffic will eventually improve.

      Hope this helps

  15. Kawser Ahmed says

    It would be nice to hear the monetization policy you adopt to make earning from the site. And how much money it generates from a visitor per month.

  16. Darius Gaynor says

    Great read! Having a content plan is very important. You have to post long form content and be consistent which I’m learning to do.

  17. Saitheja Guntuka says

    Hi, Nice Case study on Blog Traffics.
    I was writing posts without doing SEO, Got to know the best Way to drive Traffic .. Search engine. I am gonna Implement this Strategies.

    Thanks for sharing …

    Saitheja Guntuka

  18. Paul says

    This is a brilliant article, I learnt so much from reading it Alex! I am guessing the traffic to calorie secrets continued to grow? How many monthly visitors are you getting now on average?

    Also, I am quite surprised that with so much traffic you only monetize with AdSense. I follow a lot of health / nutrition / fitness websites and noticed they monetize with and other cost per view networks. Is there a reason you have only used AdSense? Wouldn’t your revenue be significantly higher with multiple networks?

  19. vinayak says

    Awesome strategy and the traffic is cool. you’ve done something which many dream of. Hope so, following your guidelines help me get my required traffic.

  20. jeevan punetha says

    Hello Alex Sir,
    This is an amazing article…….currently my website 3 months old and I don’t get a good amt of traffic but I got motivated after reading your wonderful article. I will work smartly from now on.

    Thank you so much for such an encouraging article.

  21. Ryan Smith says

    Thanks, Alex! for this wonderful article. I am Improving my blog’s traffic through Search Engine Optimization and By adding some Quality Content and Keywords. It works Most of the time Depending on a lot of factors. I would try to implement your tricks to increase the traffic. Thanks once again.

  22. Gyan says

    Actually i am stunned. How are you getting so much traffic without “SEO”. Really you are doing miracle job.
    Adword is alternative of SEO,is it so?

  23. Jatin Adlakha says

    Three years later, and this article still ranks well on Google adds a lot to your credibility. Alex, this is a really helpful article, thanks for sharing. I’m going to bookmark this and your site to keep coming back for tips and tricks.

    Keep at it, friend.

  24. Valentin says

    Thanks for the wonderful post information very useful guide helped me a lot.

  25. Chukwuka ubani says

    To be honest, i really got a lot of answers from this post, especially the link building part which has been very tiring for me!

    But all the same thanks a lot, this article was very helpful to me.

  26. Rids Patel says

    Thanks for sharing with us this amazing and informative article. This will surely help me a lot to drive traffic to the website. From all these tips I like the tips regarding Content. This will become so much helpful to readers or bloggers.

  27. Raj says

    Thanks a lot! this article was very helpful, this has helped me to increase site traffic. It has clearly explained the ways to increase site traffic instantly.

  28. Pranav says

    This was a really good article. I also started a website cum blog based on spirituality and ancient Indian scriptures . I can relate to many points mentioned here. Like I got many spam comments from malicious websites , which increased to daily 20 comments ,when i replied to them.
    I have monthly visitors around 60 , after 4 months of content writing , and published almost 75 articles. Hope that the traffic would increase in the future.

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