There is no magic formula for ranking a website in Google; no one can tell you how long it will take to get to the first pages.
According to several studies, if you are starting a website now, you may have to wait 3-4 months until you see your first visits from Google. After 6-7 months, provided that you are working in the right direction, you can get some serious traffic from Google.
To avoid any confusion, the above estimates are to be found on Google that can get you some organic traffic and not necessarily one of the top 5 positions.
You may have to wait over a year to rank higher on Google and reach the top spots.
From experience, though, regarding Google rankings, some factors are more important than others, which I will explain in this article.
Factors Affecting How Long To Rank In Google
Google has repeatedly said that they are using more than 255 factors in their ranking algorithm, but the most important factors that are also related to how long it takes to rank in Google are the following:
- Domain Age
- Google Penalties
- Competition
- Type of Content
- Content Quality
1. Domain Age
An old and trusted website is more likely to rank higher in Google search results than a newer one, provided other factors remain equal.
This does not mean a new website cannot achieve good rankings; it simply means it will take more time.
A domain is considered new when active (not parked) for less than 6 months. After 6 months, you can get serious traffic from search engines.
2. Google Penalties
This is another factor that can work in favor of or against your efforts to rank in Google.
A clean domain is a website that has not been penalized by Google either by a manual or algorithmic penalty.
How can you tell if your domain is clean? There are 2 ways to do this:
1. Log in to Google webmaster tools, click on a website to go to the dashboard, and select ‘Manual Actions’ from the Search Traffic menu. If you see the message ‘No manual webspam actions found’, the website has no manual penalties.
2. Besides the manual, you should also check for algorithmic penalties. The best way to do this is to log in to Google Analytics (or in the analytics tool you are using) and go to the traffic sources report.
Select Google as the traffic source and set the date range from the beginning of the year. Watch for any drastic changes in traffic and compare the dates these happen with the Google algorithm change history.
If you see a connection between the dates you lost traffic and the date Google rolled out changes, you know that your website was penalized, and depending on the type of change, you can start working on your recovery.
If your domain is not clean, it’s a waste of time to rank for any terms in Google because the imposed penalty will not let you.
The best way to continue is first to clean your domain or maybe consider starting from the beginning with a new domain.
3. Competition
There is strong competition, especially for the most popular keywords, so you should be selective of the keywords you want to rank for.
If you try to go after popular keywords believing that this way you will get more traffic, chances are you will not achieve much unless you have a very strong and trusted website.
What you should do instead is to target low-competition keywords until you get high rankings for those, and then try to go after popular keywords.
High rankings for low-competition keywords will get you traffic and links from other websites, and slowly, this will make your website stronger and able to rank for more important terms.
4. Type of Content
Another factor that affects the time needed to rank in Google is the type of content. Breaking news stories will rank faster than stories that are not considered news.
For example, a story about possible war episodes in the Middle East will likely appear in the top positions faster than your story about food allergies.
Likewise, a new picture of the newborn British Prince will reach the top faster than the image you are uploading to accompany your new post.
5. SEO
On-page and Off-page SEO is vital in ranking a new post or website and in how long it will take to rank.
SEO takes time but is the only way to improve your Google rankings. The most important SEO factors that can speed up the process are:
The number of external references (links) – A new post/page that receives several natural links, because it is important, useful, and valuable, will also climb the SERPs faster.
How often you publish new content – The frequency with which you publish content affects the time needed to rank a new page in Google.
If you have a steady schedule (i.e. 2-3 times per week) then most probably your content will get indexed almost immediately but in the cases that you don’t publish new content that often, it may take a day before search engines find out about it.
Note that indexing does not mean ranking, but it’s the first step in the process. If you are unsure about the difference, read my previous post on how search engines work.
An SEO-optimized title is more important than you think; it can help you rank faster than a non-optimized title.
If you are a normal blogger or webmaster, i.e., you have a relatively new website with a not-so-strong author profile and only a few incoming links to your website, then even if you write the best content but choose the wrong title, you won’t rank for anything, at least in the short term.
6. Content Quality
This is also related to the age of the domain, as explained above.
A post published on a website that already has many quality published posts will probably rank faster than an article published on a website with only a few published posts.
Original Content
This goes without saying, but sometimes it is essential to clarify the basics. Don’t expect to rank non-original content on Google or other search engines.
How To Achieve Higher Rankings In Google?
Besides what I already explained above, to achieve better rankings in Google, you can follow these tips:
Be patient – Patience is perhaps one of the most important characteristics you need to have if you want to succeed online.
Complex ranking algorithms govern search engines; they have BIG data to manage, the competition is huge, and it generally takes time to convince them that you deserve one of the top rankings.
Hire a reliable SEO agency – The Internet is very important for all businesses, and sometimes, when you can’t get the results you want, maybe it’s better to leave it to the pros.
Outsourcing to a trusted SEO firm is perhaps the best thing to do, and it does not cost as much as you think.
Keep updating with good quality original content – Don’t give up, but keep trying. If you have not done anything that may get you into trouble (like buying links, for example), then perseverance and good quality work will get you results.
Work on your social media presence – while waiting for Google to find and recognize your good work, you can turn to social media for more exposure and visibility.
Forget about Google for a while – Don’t be obsessed with Google because this will make you make mistakes.
Instead of checking your ranking statistics many times per day, you can forget about Google for a while and concentrate on other ways to increase your traffic.
This will not only help you be less dependent on Google but also diversify your traffic and income sources, which are necessary if you want to build a solid online presence.
It takes time to get good rankings on Google. If you are starting a website now, you may have to wait 3-4 months until you see your first visits from Google.
After 6-7 months, provided that you are working in the right direction, you can get more serious traffic from Google and the other search engines.
What you can do if things don’t look good in the first months is not to give up but to keep trying using white hat techniques; sooner or later, you will get the portion of Google traffic you deserve.
Lukas says
Great article! Full of useful information, as usual.
I have one question related to content publishing frequency. I have a blog for my ecommerce store. You mentioned that if I publish content 2-3 times a week, it will be indexed by Google immediatelly. Does it mean that I can get ranked well ( low competition keywords ) in lets say two months without any external links? I will only promote it on Twitter and Facebook.
Alex says
Lukas Hi
Thank you for your nice comments.
As mentioned in the article, indexing does not mean ranking but all it means is that Google and other search engines will take into account your pages. In order to rank well you need to take other factors into account as well.
I understand your question, I suggest you also read this – and I would add the following:
Twitter and facebook are external links too (maybe they are nofollow but they are still links). What you mean is that you are not going to build any artificial links – and that’s a good choice and keep it that way. Instead try to spread the word about your blog and ecommerce shop using social media without forgetting Google+ as well.
Hope this helps a bit
Faith Biete says
Sir, you have the coolest blog so far. This is my first time but I am already loving it. I am following what you are saying. I have a three months old blog and so far I one of my posts has been in google page no 2 for 1 month 🙂
Rimi says
I agree with you that patience is one the most important characteristics you need to have if you want to succeed online. Otherwise you should not go for online business. Because you can not get huge traffic within short time frame.
Jean Aroldi says
Patience, you’re right, it’s all about that!
I still doesn’t have a lot of traffic from Google and I publish almost daily!
It’s kinda frustrating sometime, but we hope it will pay soon!
Dean says
i started my website a month ago. i have not been getting huge traffic as i thought my articles are not enticing, but they actually are. my site is a technology site. After stumbling upon this page, i have gotten some good tips. seeing that my website has not been penalized using the two options above gave me some relief and at least a way to check whether Google has penalized me.
all in all, just want to say thank you… and keep helping out guys who are just starting out, like me…
thanks, this is an amazing article…
terrycody says
thanks Alex, learned many thing, i just start my first site journey, it’s a dating related, wish i can get some serious traffic later 🙂
Pijush Mitra says
Now I know why my new blog has not been ranked yet. Thanks for sharing the article Alex.
Darren says
This article is brilliant and go’s into depth what is needed to get good ranking.
Leonardo says
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the great post ! It will do good to newbies. I think your best advice in this article is : Patience……
The second best advice :
Start with long tail keywords in a competitive niche and slowly build up to gain more authority. Later, when you have ‘enough’ content, start with keywords that have more traffic.
My experience is also : It will take longer and longer for Google to rank your website or post. Just imagine : Google has to deal with MILLIONS of new websites / webpages… just takes time to sort those all out….
Justin Lloyd says
Great article. I will be bookmarking this site. Thanks!
Naveen Kulkarni says
Excellent guide. I think patience is virtual and this has it becomes even more relevant when it comes to SEO.
Naveen Kulkarni says
I meant to say patience is a virtue.
Mantis says
Hi Alex, thanks for the great tips! Just one question:
Would it help to rank my website’s original content better if I remove non-original content URLs from Google search in webmaster tools? Thanks!
Hayle Trish Mendoza says
Fascinating article, and shows that it can be done with hard work and quite quickly as well. Getting to the top can definitely be a challenge and it is not just about getting there but staying there.
I’ve always had my sights set on ranking on the big keywords, however I think you’ve shown that starting off smaller can have similar effects, and I presume from there it can be a domino effect of sorts.
Tom Bunn says
I think I need to be a little more patient, with my SEO, I think it is easy as you say to obsess over it and make more mistakes as a result.
christian says
Your post gave me some relief. Now i got a question, should i be putting ads to my new blog site or should i wait and keep on posting new articles?
thank you
Margie says
Great post! I currently have a site that is fairly new and was becoming impatient! Now, I see what it takes to rank and what I need to do more!
Thank you, Margie
Melissa says
Love this site. Full of useful and valuable information. I am definitely bookmarking this site. Thank you for the information.
Koos says
Great Post. Now I know why I can not see my site with Jaaxy Site Ranker. I just have to increase my content and wait patiently
Dustin Garness says
Thank you for writing this article. It has a lot of very good tips and most importantly it is very encouraging, especially for a new blogger/business owner like myself.
I’ve been working on creating content for about a month now and have been getting some traffic. I have one post that’s ranked 16th for a targeted keyword. So with a few more months of steady work I hope to really see my traffic increase!
I look forward to reading more of your content to see what else I can learn!
Abhijit says
Thanks a lot alex for publishing this wonderful post, now I know why my new site which is based on iPhone info not ranking well in google.
It’s been 1 month with 12 posts I’m getting only 90 pageview /day.
Zak Cagaros says
Excellent article, I think this article was written for me! I have just launched my new site and I kept wondering how long it will take to see the fruits of my work! For me the most important aspect to getting traffic is that you need to be patient, this is something that I need to work on.
lemektoub says
Thank you for this wonderful is so frustrating to build a website build wonderful content and not seing trafic.i was even depressed.a lot of expert says it takes 6 month to achieve good ranking.thank you for reminding us to be patient.the thing is that when you are a newbie it is pretty hard to wait cause you don t know if what you are doing is good or not.
Paul chapman says
You say it takes 3-4 months before a visit from Google. You didn’t mention Webmaster Tools. One of the first things a website owner should do is register on Google Webmaster Tools and submit an xml sitemap. When I want a page to be visited by Google quickly I go to the Fetch As Googlebot page and enter the URL there. This gets the link into Google quicker than just waiting for it.
Many other issues at play too:
Page Load speed
What content loads first on your page
use free webpage checker SEO tests
In my opinion, original content works better than most other things
Katherine says
I think Google authorship no longer have any effect on Google ranking. It was spreading very quickly and a lot of websites were after this. I have watched some authorship verified websites were doing well too but now the thing is different now. I do not see any influence of this anymore.
Gaurav dutt says
Overall, it means produce quality content, don’t overdo the SEO and stay natural. Seems I am on the right track. Awesome post though
John Snyder says
Thank you Alex! I have bookmarked this page as a resource to get my head straight when I’m caught up in the daily insanity of SEO! I have been very fortunate. I launched a site almost a year ago and have manage to get decent ranking on low comp keys just as you mentioned in the article. Google PR still hasn’t appeared but I look forward to the day I get a little PR. Time is a huge factor. I have sites with little to now traffic that have PR of 3 and 4 but on the newer sites I have developed zero PR and they are fairly high traffic sites. Just like Google said. Forget about PR and focus on content. Same with linking and all the other tactics that will suppose to increase rank.
Work long and hard and the PR will come. Forget about the quicky. Not gonna happen unless maybe you work for Google.
Shivani says
Hi There!!! Looks like you have done a hell lot of research on Google ranking and indexing factors. Well Thanks for sharing such great article on how to rank on google.
simon says
Thank you for the excellent article.
Florin says
I want to ask what happens when the main page is static and you only update portofolio / blog pages ? Do they count as well as new content ? I have a wedding videography site and it`s kinda ugly to put all my new videos right on the first page just to have new content.
Sreekant says
Your article is really impressive and helped me out a lot. I am a newbie in blogging and I ranked by website using your methods.. Thanks a lot.. 🙂
jennifer harry says
The google authorship is not relevant any more and it has been replaced by rich snippets. Could you do a post about rich snippets. But otherwise, there is some really good advice given, but you have got to understand that not all people can afford to hire an SEO company when they are starting out.
Sunny says
Dear Alex,
It was a fantastic and informative article. I really liked all the points you mentioned.
I have been into SEO since 2005. And have seen lot of changes of google algo. But since the begining, one and only most proir factor is unique & good quality content. Google still focusing on unique and good quality informative content. And i have seen a lot of website who only do onsite SEO, means they are only writing informative unique content they are ranking very well with high competetive keywords; just for the sake of content. So i believe content will play the major roll forever to achive ranking on google.
I must read your other articles too. As i believe i can get more useful info ftom those.
Thank you alex once again.
Arnab Satapathi says
First thanks Alex sharing this useful information, I feel I’m reading a case study.
I have a question, my blog contains few really informative and high quality article, I think they deserve atleast 1st-3rd position, but currently ranked at 7th position. After reading this article I can understand the post titles are not SEO perfect, keywords placed in wrong position.
So I’m thinking about rewriting the post titles, is doing so google think I posting duplicate articles ? Does rewriting the post title have the potential to improve ranking position ? Hope you will help me.
Pankaj Prakash says
Hey Alex, that was a really nice article. Since I am new to blogging every new visitors, comments to my blog and articles like this excites me to give more and more time to my blog. Thanks for this article.
ankit says
very important tips for blogging.
Anirudh says
Hi Alex really it is a Informative article regarding this i got a good results and informative one.Tq
Amit says
Hi Sir,
I have purchased old domain and started blogging upto 5 posts daily. After 3 months I am getting 60-70 visitors from google, 250-300 from yahoo and same from bing.
All my posts index immediately within second when post.
But in webmaster showing 404 error for 800 posts which not belongs to me, since it is older blog it belongs to old admin.
When i copy paste full address of my site in google search it showing domain time, address and description only not showing pages /posts below this but I see all other domain showing site url and posts url too.
Will i get ranked in future if post quality content and links or I am doing time waste please tell me
Brandon Phipps says
Really liked the comment about ignoring Google for a while. I think, to often, we forget that we don’t actually work for Google and focusing strictly on SERP for traffic is a poor marketing strategy.
Peter says
Nice complete article!
Great information! 🙂
luna says
It’s very Nice and True you should be patient
Those tips realy work out !
Avijit says
hey alex, the article. is really great….as I am new in blogging so this gonna help me a lot…. thanks buddy.
Samantha says
I strongly believe that age of domain does makes a lot of difference when it comes to ranking. Older than domain more easily it will rank. That’s what I think technically.
Alex says
Hi Samantha
I agree with you, domain age helps a lot.
Thanks for commenting.
Anil Verma says
the article very beautifully explains the answers of those questions which are almost in everyone’s mind who is new to online business. thanks for a such knowledgeable article.
kadir says
Hoping that my page rank will increase soon by following your mention steps.
bellajones says
Fantastic article, Thanks for sharing your ideas with your readers,This is most probably the best step-by-step guide.
Alex says
Thank you Bella for your nice comment.
Paul says
Thanks for this great article. Been working overtime on our new website and it seems like nothing is happening yet. This is an eye opener for us, we just got to wait it out and all will be well. Do you think it most always be six months?
Alex says
Hi Paul
It can be six months or more, it depends on many things. What is important is to have progress and not to give up.
jack says
Really a Great Article..My Blog is of 2 months old and not have any ranking on Google, i was sad but after reading ur article i am really happy..Thank u so much
Alex says
Hi Jack
Be patient, work on your blog and better results will follow.
All the best
Vineeth Mungath says
Very Informative article Alex Chris, Patience is the most important thing, It usually take more than 3 months for new websites with maximum optimizations and link building because the domain age and trust is important to google.
I have been watching one of my competitor with 3 month old website, but he ranks in top 3 in SERP for keywords having search volume more than 25000 per month.
The most important factors he considered are reliable quality content and link building. Updating blogs more than 2 times per week also helped him to get top positions within short span of time.
Alex says
Hi Vineeth
Watching your competitors rankings and practices is a good approach. You may follow what they are doing and do it better.
elisabeth hemmet says
Anyone else noticed the honeymoon period Google gives new domains? they appear pretty high up for target terms for a week to two weeks and then disappear, interesting!
Alex says
Hi Elisabeth
That’s true. There is some sort of honeymoon period for new domains but that’s just for a few weeks. You should always aim for long term success.
Jiya says
I have a couple of sites I am trying to rank, make money while I sleep, and manage. I am learning pretty much everything of seo by digitalmarketingpro. Alex you have showed your 12 years experience of seo in this post. Now i know what mistakes i did in my past seo campaigns, and yes it need patience to rank a website.
This is great idea that increasing awareness on social media while doing seo side by side.
Alex says
Hi Jiya
Thanks a lot for your nice comment. Best of luck with your SEO efforts.
elisabeth hemmet says
There is no formula for rank your website in Google neither there is anyone that will tell you how long it takes to get to the first pages.
Alex says
Hi Elisabeth
That’s true, that was exactly the introduction of this article. Nevertheless, there are some things that play a role and this is what this article is about.
Praan Kumar says
Hey, Alex Useful Article, i am newbie to blog, i have so little content on my website, i am increasing it, but if i were late, then after how many days google would penalyzed my site. Thanks
Alex says
Hi Praan
Google will not penalize you for not updating your website. There is no such penalty. If you increase your content, you are making your website better.
Hope this helps
James Bubb says
Thanks Alex!
I was curious to know for a new site how long it might take for articles i’m writing to start showing up (somewhere) in search results.
With regards to a ‘new site’ being one that hasn’t yet been active for 6 months – are there any sources you used to come to this number? Or is it just from experience?
Alex says
Hi James
It’s just from experience.
Clare says
Great article.
One of my sites.was hacked so blacklisted now:(
Bassem says
it is very interested article. i built my website two months ago and i had also built some back links by using web 2.0 and web blogging strategy . i see the backlinks are in google webmaster tools but still have not received a ranking in google at all , i have done as much as i can in SEO and website optimizations, everytime i check my page rank and domain rank i still find it set to 1.
as you said it takes sometimes for the new domains to rank in google and it is better for me to focuse to improve the SEO more and forget about the ranking for now
Johan John says
Hello Alex,
I am seriously trying to rank my newly created website. It’s only 2 months old now. Can I really rank it before 6 months if I put some serious effort in quality content and good backlinks? The domain profile is clean and never registered before.
Alex says
Hi Johan
It depends what you mean by rank…in just 2 months you can get some traffic but for serious results you need to put in more effort and that naturally takes time. If you consider this to be a long term business, then you don’t have to worry about the time factor. Work on your website and aim for long term success.
Hope this helps
Sascha Rutledge says
Thanks for this great piece of information! You have gave me a much better insight into the world of SEO. I will definitely be referring back to this article in the future for my new blog.
Dipak Patil says
I have one question, all blog comments are no follow and are not followed by google so how they are counted by google as a backlink. If some URL is not crawled or read how can its counting be possible. I am bit confused. Can anyone help me out
Alex says
Hi Dipak
No Follow links are crawled by Google and they are also shown in your Google search console. The difference is that nofollow links do not pass any page rank value (aka link juice), while ‘normal’ links do.
Hope this helps
Vishnu Vardhan says
great piece of article. I have a new blog with a few posts (each around 2000 words). but none of them show up in google results. my blog is only 28 days old. do you think this is because my website is in google sandbox (I checked and confirmed with the tool). how long it takes to come out of sandbox? also, I don’t have any back links point to my website. if I don’t have any back links I won’t rank at all? I do have quality outbound links in my posts pointing out to relevant sites. Please advice.
Alex says
Hi Vardhan
You need to be patient, a month is a very short time to expect any kind of results (especially with a few published posts).
Prathap Sunkara says
Hi Alex,
I’am following you for a few weeks, and studied some of your articles which are simply amazing for Newbies.
Really Great Articles for beginners. One thing I did like in your articles is that one should have the Patience to get a lot of traffic from search engines.
I have increased my website’s traffic to some extent by following your tips.
Keep writing such kind of articles.
Thank you.
Amna Sheikh says
I don’t get why one need to wait for 3 -4 month to see first visits from Google. I mean it’s look stupid when one is adding quality content on website every 2 to 3 days but just because your website is new in the market you need to wait for 3 – 4 month of see visits from search engines. Google need to think about that I believe!!!
Alex says
Hi Amna
You need to prove to Google that your website is worth getting more visits. The competition is huge and there are a lot of websites with good quality content competing each other of a place in the Google Serps. Also, the volume of website’s that Google needs to process is big and that’s another factor that slows down the process.
Adnan says
Thank you so much for your wonderful article. You have answered my question. I was worried about waiting way too many days without getting a single search engine hit, maybe two or three in total at max.
However, it’s been almost 40 days since the domain purchase and approx a month since site launch. I’ve been adding at least 3 articles a week or otherwise 4-5 generally per week. So I was suspicious about the search engine traffic. I thought maybe I was penalized or something. I thought so maybe because the domain was used approx 10 years earlier by someone.
However, I’ve been doing everything whitehat plus guest posting at reputed sites too for example medium, ezine articles etc.
Thank you.
Kevin says
I think its better to use https-SSL for website, as it shows website is secure for user levels. You have described all its advantages perfectly. Thanks.
Alex Chris says
Hi Kevin
I agree with you 100%. SSL is very important these days and a known ranking factor.
Kozco says
Hi Alex,
Indeed, there is no magic formula for ranking a website in Google. It takes effort and patience. There are a lot of factors to consider to get high rankings and you’ve explained it well here. Thanks for the informative article.
Alvin says
Hey Alex, I just started a new website which will be filled with multiple niches. Assuming a few articles get churned out daily, is it possible to see more Google traffic soon?
Alex Chris says
Hi Alvin
Yes it is possible, provided that the articles are of good quality, long enough and meaningful.
Salman says
Thanks for such information rich article about ranking a page on google, you have made several points cleared about which i was confused, but i still want to know if changing title of an existing post will affect its google traffic??
waiting for your response.
Alex Chris says
Hi Salman
Optimizing your titles can affect its Google rankings and traffic. Read this for more information:
Hope this helps
Upendra says
Thanks alot for such useful article. I have just started my blog and learning how to improve it ranking ASAP.
Thanks for information.
Sarae says
Great information!! Helped calm me down that my new website isn’t ranking on google yet. Got to practice some of that patience stuff you were talking about…. 😉
Thank you for this post!
Alex Chris says
Hi Sarae
Patience is key so give it some time before reaching into any conclusions.
Divya Sharma says
great information tried these tactics and waiting for my site ranking , thank you so much
Tobias says
Thanks very much for such cool article. I have just started my blog and learning how to improve it ranking in Google search results
Thanks for sharing this post
Alex Chris says
Hi Tobias
Thanks for commenting. Good luck with your blog!
Melanie says
Much easier to have a ‘thriving community’ on an SEO / Social Marketing site, than most other types of business. Does Google take than into account for the rest of us in the non sexy industries where the chances of getting any kind of user engagement are about zero?
Alex Chris says
Hi Melanie
Yes it does but it depends on the industry. If it’s difficult to get any kind of engagement for you then this means it’s difficult for all the websites in your niche. Google can identify this so you are not in a disadvantage.
Hope this helps
Meet Mahal says
thanks for this useful information this will help me to get good rank in google. I really need this type of information which clear my doubt regarding google rank.
thakur aman singh says
this is very good information for the bloggers and thanks sir
Sarah Kneitinger says
Google needs not long to give a domain a rank if you increase your website traffic much. But Bing and the other Search Engines needs long time 🙂
Alex Chris says
Hi Sarah
That’s true, Google is much faster in ranking websites than Bing or other search engines.
Daniel says
Hey Alex
Awesome post, thanks for sharing!
Even though this is a tough question to answer, I would say that it really depends on the industry and niche you are competing in. Once you have a well on-page optimized website it would be a good idea to keep generating content in order to rank for new keywords and let Google know you add fresh pages to your site.
However there are many ways to increase your organic traffic, I think content marketing for SEO purposes are one of the most effective.
Atul Bansal says
I would say that age of the domain is one of the most important factor while ranking but if you would like to rank for low-competition keywords then doing little on page seo can also help
Glenn B says
Does it matter if you’re trying to rank for local search? For example, there’s a local keyword I’m after. The competition is low and has about 2-3k searches a month.
How long do you think it will take to rank for that keyword?
Tarun says
This article is brilliant and go’s into depth what is needed to get good ranking.
Andrew Lediaev says
Brilliant post..Being a business owner and that too from a very competitive niche i was always worried and cautious about google SEO rankings of my website. This indepth post solved all my doubts.
Kundan Sharma says
Hi, Alex
It’s a great article for the peoples who want to know how long its take to get rank in google.
You have explained almost everything with solutions.
I also believe that 95% of webpages do not get top 10 rank in google search with in a year.
Adhyansh Jadli says
Hey Alex, thanks a lot for having such a nice article for newbie like me. It helped a lot to understand certain factor and answered lot of query of a new blogger like me.
Keep up the good work.
Stay Blessed
Pankaj Saini says
Hey Alex, thats a very nice article it helped me a lot to understand what i am lacking for my website though i am new to this blogging world ,i hope to work hard to improve myself day by day..
Keep up the good work.
Stay Blessed
Pankaj Saini
Airkay Klose says
Hello Alex,
You know I had to skip most of the top pages to arrive at this golden rundown. This post is exactly the drive I needed.
I’ve had a website for over a year with almost no traffic. I decided to deploy SEO knowledge. I got access to MOZ and did some keyword research.
I optimized my already existing posts and was expecting results immediately. Haha. Now I understand that it might take some time to rank depending on the factors you’ve listed. I just need to be consistent right?
My discouragement came because I didn’t see quick results. Now I understand better. I’ll also try and integrate the guest posting on high DA sites tips.
Thanks a lot.
Sonika Sharma says
Hello Alex,
Thanks for the well-explained article on SEO, I am an SEO content writer and enjoyed and learned many features from this article. Indeed SEO takes time, as it is well said Rome cannot be built in a day.