How Grow Your Email List Fast Using Facebook Lead Ads (Step-By-Step Example)

A step-by-step guide on how to use Facebook lead ads to grow your email list fast.

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  1. Sienna Eskildsen says

    Wow! Thanks for posting! I’ll try these out as soon as I can! 🙂 I’m new to email marketing and I recently got GetResponse, so I’ve got a lot to learn.

  2. Saraah says

    I have a question for you. It has long been my assumption that the delivery of an organic post will depend on the engagement of the previous post. When we have an organic post that “does well” in terms of engagement, the next few do well too.

    Do you think this also applies to ads? Thus, will an ad with a low Relevance Score impact the Relevance Score of the next ad (start is a bit lower?)

    Wondering your data suggests this is true?

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