How to Hire a Web Developer? (9 Tips to Save Time & Money)

A complete guide on how to hire a great web developer for your online business without losing your money or time.

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  1. Mark says

    This was a good article as your articles usually are. l’m a website designer which made getting some insights into the other side of the equation useful. However, the rates you quoted were more in line with those from freelancers in India or the Philippines. North American rates range between $30 to $60, or more, for experienced freelancers. I can’t speak for rates in Europe but they’re probably similar. You should update the article to reflect this reality so that potential clients (especially new ones) don’t come away with unrealistic expectations.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mark

      Thanks for your comment. You are right, North American rates are generally higher but if you do a bit of research you can still find a good web developer (to handle the code part, not design) for $15-$30 per hour. As mentioned in the article it also depends on experience and other factors.

      All the best

  2. durga says

    Thanks for the content it was very useful and I’m going to share this content with my friends. Great Content, Thanks.

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