Blogging Helps SEO a Lot and Here is the Proof

Learn how to boost your SEO and increase organic traffic to your website with blogging. Includes real case studies.

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  1. Ranjan Vohra says

    I have just started blogging for my e-commerce website. And after going through your article I am quite sure blogging is the most correct way to gain traffic on website rather than buying Google adword which are quite expensive, Blogging does take time but once it gets established by continuously posting of article, Definitely it will give a great boost to ranking

  2. Daniel says

    Hi Alex

    I want to start a blog for a new e-commerce website but using a subdomain instead. So technically I will have two websites, the e-commerce store and the blog using the subdomain. Do you think that it is a good idea?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Daniel

      Having a subdomain for your blog in a separate website is common practice and not an issue. With good content you can still rank high and get traffic.

      Hope this helps

  3. Nick Stamoulis says

    It has been said for a while that blogging is a key strategy when it comes to SEO. Although we’ve known this, it is still good to see the proof!

  4. Zane says

    Aside from on-page and technical optimisation, blogging is our main weapon to rank our client websites.

    Thanks for sharing your expertise Alex, because of this article I am now sure that what we are doing is right.

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