Digital Marketing Salary: How Much Do Digital Marketers Make?

Find out how much money you can make as a digital marketer. Salaries are presented per job role and experience level.

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  1. Kedar Joshi says

    Hi Alex,
    You have done fantastic research. This is useful information. Thanks for sharing. Very nice work!

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Kedar
      Thanks for your comment. I hope we’ve helped you get a better understanding on the salaries of digital marketers.

      All the best

  2. Josh Gan says

    Hi Alex,

    I love this article and most of the points here are spot on!

    To earn more in this space, one needs to be a all rounder, not just a master in SEO or SEM alone.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Josh

      Yes, digital marketing specialists earn more money than those who specialize in specify channels only.

      All the best in your digital marketing career!

  3. Rana Roy says

    hey, your blog is amazing, but you mention that e-commerce managers earn more than digital marketing managers earn, and you mention salary is good, but salary depends on location and organisation, is it right?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rana

      Yes, that’s correct. As mentioned in the article, salaries vary per country and company you work for.

      All the best

  4. Tariq says

    Hey Alex,

    Great article. Clicked on the link as soon as I received the email. Great research and breakdown of salaries, based on experience and country.

    Awesome article!

  5. shobhit Kumar says

    Hey Alex,

    You have done fantastic research really. This is informative information for all digital marketers. Thank you so much for sharing.

    All the best for all digital marketer careers!

    Shobhit kumar

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Shobhit

      Thanks, Glad I could help you understand how much do digital marketers make.

      All the best

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