Difference Between Page Title And H1 Tag For SEO

Title Tag vs H1. Learn the difference between the two and how it impacts SEO.

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  1. Rui Oliveira says

    I have one question.
    Should I use:
    Title (that is also a h1)
    h1 – just one on the beginning of the page
    h2 – all the other important headlines
    h3 – less important headlines
    OR no H1 since the title is already a h1
    I have seen people saying that no h1 in the page, since the title is already a h1, and others saying that title is title not h1.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Rui

      The page should have an H1 tag. In most CMS, the page title tag and H1 tag have the same value.

      I hope this helps.

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