Difference Between Digital Marketing and Social Media

Learn how digital marketing and social media marketing compare, how each method works, and which one is better.

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  1. Mary at Media Touch says

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks! This will be quite helpful in educating our clients about the difference that is often confused. In regards to ‘mobile’, you have it under ‘Internet marketing’, curious as to why that is and do you believe it will eventually evolve into its own sub-category (i.e. directly under ‘Digital Marketing’)

    Thank you,
    Mary @ MeciaTouchCa

    • Shubhendu Ranjan Deb says

      Hi Mary

      Now days, we access internet through mobile predominately and therefore Alex has classified mobile within internet marketing. Therefore a lot of media campaigns are built keeping in view mobile internet consumption.

    • Alex says

      Hi Mary

      I agree with you that is about time to have mobile marketing as a category on its own under digital marketing. It is much more important today than it was 5 years ago.


  2. Jerry Liang says

    Hi Alex

    Thanks for this great article

    I am currently in a career of marketing and wishing to specialize in digital marketing, you article has definitely helped me define my career and goals, thanks again!


  3. Leena says

    Hey Alex, indeed very nice and informative article and me belonging to a start up firm will help me a lot to explain my clients the same. All i want if you could also add some basic difference in a table format which could be just simply referred in one stroke, still no doubt about the information you have shared.

    • Alex says

      Hi Leena

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions. That’s a good idea for an updated version.

      All the best

  4. Mark Williams says


    This a great read. It was really insightful into the world of digital marketing. All the important aspects of digital marketing was covered.

    • Alex Chris says

      Thank you Mark. Glad I could help you understand what is the true meaning of digital marketing.


  5. Jade Nathan says

    Hi Alex,
    I am a beginner in SMM and the information provided is great and will help me with my consultations with customers.

  6. Kiran Zaffer Iqbal says

    You did a very good job and you just eased the word for any new SEO student who want to learn it for professional purpose and please carry on your work. Thanks

  7. Martin says

    Hi Alex,
    Good Article!
    I am looking forward to seeing how many more companies adapt their strategy to revolve around social media marketing and advertising over PPC in the coming year!.

  8. Maruthi Dasar says

    Hi Alex,
    After reading this article I Understood what actually Digital Media Marketing. Social Media Marketing is one of the channel in Digital Media Marketing.
    Now I am working in Digital Marketing Media and plan to start Social Marketing …..
    after read this article I understood Digital Marketing is one of the best job …….

    Thanks & Regards,
    Maruthi Dasar

  9. Ingic says

    This article is clearly showing the difference between digital marketing and Social Media although these both terms are similar their niche is totally different and I appreciate the author while discussing the main factors of the both things.

  10. Angelina Smith says

    Hi Alex,
    Really very informative article with lots of suggestion. Now I need to adapt these things which will improve my marketing skills.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Angelina Smith

  11. James Mathew says

    For any organization, social media is a key to brand building. Therefore, I must say that any agency or in-house team needs to develop a core marketing strategy, see their social signals because what I measure is that my company generates quality traffic from it.
    I loved reading it, particularly because it’s simple to read and gives a clear understanding on the difference of both. I must share it for budding digital marketing enthusiasts.

  12. Daisy Morton says

    Hi Alex, thanks for explaining the difference between Digital Marketing and Social Media. It becomes easier for marketers to select where to promote their campaigns for better reach. Very informative and thanks for sharing.

  13. noahwilliam says

    Hi Alex, The difference between digital marketing and Social media is understood in these blog. It is very important to know the importance of different platforms and run the campaign accordingly.

  14. Hariz Ken says

    Hi Alex,

    It’s a really good article.

    Currently I work as a Social Media Strategist Coordinator, and I’ve been thinking to learn more about Digital Strategist. And this article shown me a lot explanation of details about both of them.

    Thanks and regards,
    Hariz Ken

  15. rohit bargav says

    very helpful,I have never thought about the difference between digital marketing and social media but your post made me clear about the functions of dm and sm.thanks for sharing this post

  16. Ryan Smith says

    Hi Alex

    The difference between digital marketing and Social Media is very Big. Social Media is a part of Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Includes Following:
    1) Google Analytics and Webmaster
    2) SEO( Search Engine Optimization)
    3) SEM(Search Engine Marketing)
    4) SMM ( Social Media Marketing)
    5) Email Marketing and Mobile Marketing
    6) Lead Generation
    7) Growth hacking

    Above all is just the Overview of Digital Marketing. Social Media Contains paid campaigns, Promotion, Lead Generation, To increase traffic to the website and for Brand Building.

  17. Joojoy says

    Great explanation!! Now I can clearly understand the difference between digital marketing and social media marketing. Thanks a lot.

  18. Drell Torres says

    This article simplifies the answer of a lot of questions about Digital Marketing Industry especially to our clients. This would be very helpful in explaining the hierarchy of Digital Marketing and what’s under with it. Great job! Many would love to learn about the clear difference of Digital Marketing and Social Media. Thanks!

  19. Delphina says

    Hi Alex,

    I really like how you have briefly explained the difference between Digital Marketing and Social Media. The article has improved my understanding on Digital Marketing, thanks to you. I am a Communications Specialist and currently working with my husband to market our new tour and travel company. I believe this information will help us a lot.

  20. Bless says

    Hi Alex

    I am currently doing a 1 year course in Marketing specialisation in Social Media. In your opinion, do you think in the next 5- 10 years will social media marketing still be a big thing or not? Do you think it is here to stay?


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Bless

      Yes, I do believe it’s here to stay. There might be some changes on the way people interact on social networks but it will still be a big thing.


  21. Praveen Kumar says

    Such an awesome article, Alex. Thanks for writing and sharing it. Even people with zero knowledge of digital marketing and social media can understand this article and know how digital marketing and social media differ.

  22. Vangie says

    Thank you Alex! This is so far the easiest to understand article I encountered that gives one the difference between the two. We have no choice in the coming years but to adapt to changes otherwise we will be left behind. Digital marketing is a must to learn especially when you are in the business.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Vangie

      Correct, digital marketing is here to stay and it’s necessary for all marketers to built digital marketing skills.


  23. Aiman says

    I consider digital marketing as a whole while social media is a chunk in a digital marketing category. Thanks for providing such differences

  24. Claire says

    Social media is important part of digital marketing. Very Helpful and Informative Blog. Thanks for writing and sharing it.

  25. Praveen Kumar says

    An excellent post explaining how social media marketing is a part of digital marketing. Thanks for writing and sharing this.

  26. Jonathan May says

    This is a great source of information!The article did explain well on the difference between digital marketing and social media.

  27. Priya Sharma says

    Thank you Alex to clear my doubts between Digital marketing and social media marketing. I was quite confused between them. But now i am clear about each of them.

  28. sampada Deshmukh says

    Hey Alex,
    You have explained things beautifully, thanks for this help..
    Amazing article, keep sharing valuable stuff.

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