How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts (10 Steps)

Replicate my steps and learn how to write SEO-friendly blog posts optimized for both search engines and users.

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  1. Jaime Olaer says

    Hi Alex,

    I will definitely follow this process. This is worth more than a thousand dollar knowledge and experience.


  2. Saeed says

    Last night I was looking for something about how can i make a proper post? When I arrived to this site but I didn’t find anything about this issue and then went looking for other sites But, this afternoon, when I opened my browser, I get this message (push notification). I was so glad to this post, exactly what I was looking for, with the right images that are used in the text
    Thank you so much

  3. Narinder kumar says

    Thanks Alex for sharing great post once again SEO friendly blog post it’s really necessary part of the blog post and definitely its really helpful for my future blog post.

      • Kavita says

        Hey Alex!

        Thanks for sharing an all-inclusive checklist to stick to for strategies to work around. I would love to read more such content.

  4. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Crafting a blog post is an art and practicing will make it more attractive. Creating a optimized blog post can help you get quality readers and also increase the authority of your blog. Thanks for writing this beautiful and informative post. Its really very helpful.

  5. Bradley says

    Great Post Alex, I think you have covered pretty much everything a new blogger would need to be SEO friendly. I wish content like this was available back in the day when i started. I had to learn everything by experience and testing new stuff.

  6. Bhavesh Sharma says

    Hey Alex,

    Awesome stuff! This is a great post for optimizing a blog post. Will surely follow this process in my next blog. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Vikas kardam says

    Such a knowledgeable post-Mr. Alex it’s almost covering all the SEO Tips, Thanks Again.

  8. shreelatha says

    This is very informative post !you explain here how to make fully SEO optimized blog post which is drive traffic to our site .

  9. Gilbert says

    Hey, This is an informative and valuable article to read. Thanks for sharing it. I totally learned to write an SEO friendly post for my blog.

  10. Maria Tayer says

    Hey Alex,

    Great post. I’ll definitely follow these process. thanks for giving such useful and informative content. Its great to read this.
    Thank you for sharing.


  11. James says

    I just love the way you explained the points . Even a complete newbie shouldn’t find it difficult implementing these SEO strategies. I am glad I stumbled on this. Thanks for sharing

  12. prashanth says

    It’s a nice article. Your point on “to avoid keyword stuffing and repeating the same keyword over and over again…” was new to me.
    I know the post should be search engine friendly and at the same time reader friendly. It’s a tough task to balance both and your tips to avoid keyword stuffing is good at this point.

  13. Amol Sarise says

    Amazing post and well written. I learn new things about seo friendly article writing. Thanks for sharing and keep it up!

  14. mann says

    Hey alex, This is an informative and valuable article for me. Thanks for sharing this. I totally learned to write an SEO friendly post for my blog.

  15. kd kashav says

    Great post, the post you have put together with so much information is awesome and I like the way you communicate with readers. I hope to learn more from you.

  16. Daniel says

    Exactly what I was looking for to share with a client. Very detailed – I always try to explain all these when in meetings I think I might just print it and bring it with me! Kuddos. I particularly like how not everything is about SEO but you included the human element – for instance short paragraphs it just makes sense – to break down content in easily digestible snippets.

  17. Stalin says

    Hello Alex,

    I really like the way you have structured your article. You have perfectly defined all the points about “how should write the seo friendly blogs?” which will be useful for bloggers and readers.

    Thank you for your efforts.

  18. Kapil Heera says

    Hello Alex ,

    Thanks for providing such a informative article…

    I hope so, this article helps me to increase my website ranking ranking. i will definitely implement this strategies on my website.

    Thanks Again…
    Kapil Heera

  19. Saayed says

    hey thanks for such Great post about SEO friendly blog post. its help to me also to use this type of strategies on my blog to boost my seo ranking as google like my post.


  20. Brandon says

    Fantastic write up.. however it may need an update. I just watched a video by Google, they say that up to 5 H1 are ok on a single page. But structure is important for sure. Thanks for this.

  21. Tom Buckland says

    This article is really helpful when it comes to blog conversion which will get higher traffic ranking.

  22. Mitchelle Williams says

    I’m really impressed after reading this post. You exactly explained what Google crawlers and readers love to read

  23. Stella Martin says

    Good article. I have read that using a keyword in the tag is helpful for the ranking of a website. Is this true, should I try it for my website?

  24. Richard says

    Hi Alex,

    I have been in the seo industry for many years, but this is the most comprehensive guides I have come across and have shared this with my staff.

  25. Vikas Bhatt says

    SEO is important. True, one should write meaningful paragraphs. Thanks for sharing this article with us.

  26. Surya Prakash says

    Iโ€™m really impressed after reading this post. You exactly explained what Google crawlers and readers love to read

  27. Abhishek says

    Thank you so much sharing wonderful post with us.Its very useful for me now to write a seo friendly post.

  28. Sachin says

    A well written and optimized content can rank well on Google without getting too many backlinks. Thanks for sharing these useful guide!

  29. Dr. Rissy's Writing says

    Nice tips, these are very helpful for improving blog quality and make optimized blog. Thanks for Sharing, this helps a lot.

  30. albert sagan says

    Iโ€™m really impressed after reading this post. You exactly explained what Google crawlers and readers love to read you can name this SEO checklist

  31. Suresh Verma says

    Thanks a lot!
    I have read out a numbers of website but could not get complete information
    only and only this website is complete how to write a proper blog post.

  32. Arshil says

    Hello alex
    This is definitely a great article to write blogs. As a Newbie like me, we faced those problems that you discussed but i got confidence that i will be able to solve those problems during my blog post!!
    Many many thanks again

  33. Kunal Vaghasiya says

    This is a very informative post! you share the most concise guide to SEO friendly blog posts.
    Thanks for sharing!

  34. Karan says

    This is a very informative post! you share the most concise guide to SEO friendly blog posts.
    Thanks for sharing!

  35. Sarah Russell says

    This article was very helpful! So much information to absorb, I had to come back and take 2 pages of notes so I can start using these methods myself! Thank you for the tips.

  36. Sarah Zuniga says

    Thank you so much for sharing this post. I have learned a handful of tips to put into my blogging journey. I am still trying to figure out what keywords would be best, but I feel like I have a better idea of what direction I am going now. Thanks again.

  37. Romi says

    This is one of the best posts I’ve read. The information provided is very useful. This article has helped increase my blog’s ranking. Allow me to share this article.

  38. Dustin Cruz says

    Thanks for sharing – How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts. This blog post is very helpful for me and others. Thanks again for writing a nice post.

  39. Yukti Arora says

    Thanks for sharing such a very informative blog about how to write SEO friendly blog, if we want to rank our blog then we need to write an SEO friendly blog so your post is really helpful for me and I want to say your way of explanation and writing is very easy and understandable, I liked so much and thank you very much for sharing this step by step guide
    Keep posting and have a nice dai!

  40. priya iiadm says

    Learning online saves much time well your blog was pretty interesting and helpful ๐Ÿ™‚
    I really appreciate your work ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Akeib says

    Hai, Alex
    I’m just new in Blogging world and i learned lots of things of Blogging. And this post will help me larned more about Seo .And build lot more confidence in Blogging. I just bookmark your post so that i read more times and make things clear!

  42. Gee Joy says

    This is very informative and useful blog article. I also love writing, and making some blogs, and this article is really interesting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on how to write SEO Friendly Blog Posts. This blog article provides the best tips that a writer could ever see. Keep up the good work.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Gee

      Thanks a lot for your comment. Glad I could help you learn how to write SEO optimized blogs.

      All the best

  43. Michael Clarke says

    Hi Alex
    Thanks for sharing such an informative post. I am pretty sure that I can utilize these strategies for my SEO company. Expect more from you in the future.
    Keep it up.

  44. Sudip Bhattacharjya says

    It is a good article with lots of useful insights. Especially I liked your ‘Craft the title and URL’ section where you discussed and gave tips on how to select an SEO friendly title. Thank you very much for writing this amazing post.

  45. Matija Zajลกek says

    Hi, tnx for post. Question about meta: Google does sometimes use their own meta or not? Am I doing something wrong?

  46. Bridgette P. Williams says

    Hi, ALEX CHRIS , tnx for this content. It is very helpful to me . Again thanks for your bonus tips. I am hopeful to get more content.

  47. George Lewington says

    On page SEO is really important. It shouldn’t be taken for granted. Getting a website to be on top of search results is really challenging but it is worth it.

  48. Daniel says

    Great content! I was starting my blog and this really gave a good start on my first post I am going to publish!

    Would like to hear from you other recommended advice for the blogging starter like me!

  49. Nithya says

    Thanks! This is a well-written article. Normally, I don’t post comments on any sites…but here I had to. Bookmarking this and enrolling to your course ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. Wally says

    Thanks Alex for these great tips. They were very helpful to help me improve with SEO on my sites. I have heard a lot about Semrush, but I think I will definitely start using this keyword tool.

  51. Arun MK says

    Hi, This is a real, eye-opening info for me too. Iโ€™ve been struggling to get some of my best contents to ranked high, felt like Iโ€™d done everything I could.

    Iโ€™ve read this article of yours twice now and am going to apply as much as I can. Thank you for sharing your advice!

  52. Deepti says

    I’m new to blogging. This article is real eye opener for me. M learning about SEO, I find the article very interesting and informative. M sure this info will help me to improve my blog SEO. Thanks for amazing tips.

  53. Yasmin says

    Wow this was very beneficial Alex, thank you so much will share this with our clients that do Blog writing

  54. Souvik Karar says

    Nice article, i will definitely apply these steps on my digital marketing site. Thanks again. ๐Ÿ‘

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Souvik

      Thanks for commenting. Yes, applying these steps to all your blogs will definitely help your site.

      All the best

  55. Olid Ahmed says

    its really an awesome piece of an article, and now I’m using images on my article.
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Robert says

    The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy. It draws readers to a website from the SERP, and thus is a very visible and important part of search marketing. Iโ€™m glad that I came across this amazing article! Thanks for posting such an important piece of content.

  57. Shubh says

    Hi Alex,

    This is a very informative article about SEO friendly blog post I have ever read . I have deeply understood the concept and will keep trying my best.


  58. Claire Harper says

    From relevant keywords to links from other websites, there are several ways to optimize your website for SEO success. Great article you have shared here.

  59. BrackNelson says

    Thanks for sharing such a great article, it covers all the necessary tips which help us how we write an SEO-friendly blog post and explained the importance of optimization of the title for SEO.

  60. aries avella says

    Kudos to this blog. It gives me more knowledge on how to post a blog.I hope you will create more articles just like this. Thank you for the crucial steps.

  61. Gilda Horgan says

    Great content, but spelling error on this paragraph, “Donโ€™t just through large paragraphs on a page and hit the publish button.” Should be “throw.”

  62. Jitin Mishra says

    Thanks..Really an informative blog post. I will check all my old post and start changing them for good SEO ranking.

  63. Robi says

    Thanks for such a detailed and step-by-step guide. Writing content optimized for search and conversion is an art.

  64. Gunjan Gandhi says

    Seriously! A great post for beginners looking to learn more about SEO and content. Thanks a lot for this beautiful piece of information.

  65. vamshidhar says

    Thank you for the amazing post. The complete guidance of SEO results in google search. The content is wonderful to read its easily understand to every users.

  66. Wally says

    Awesome article Alex! This was very informative and super helpful for beginners! Definitely something that we all can improve with for content. This is really nice guide to learn SEO friendly blog posts.
    Thanks for sharing!

  67. Shazia says

    Great information about SEO I got great results from these tips. thanks a lot please keep it up…

  68. Atif Ahmad says

    Hey, thank you for sharing such valuable content. This is exactly what I was looking for.

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