What Are Backlinks in SEO? & Why They Are Important

Backlinks are essential for SEO. Learn the different types of SEO backlinks and the best ways to get them.

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  1. Arun Kumar says

    This is one best SEO backlink reference guide. I got some useful and powerful tip for building backlinks for my website. I don’t think backlinks does not make any SEO improvement for the blog and I was wonder about this guides informations. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  2. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Backlinks are always considered as the backbone of a website. Without backlinks, nobody can rank their site in Search engines. Quality always matters a lot when creating backlinks. I always prefer creating two quality backlinks from high authority websites rather than creating 100s of links from junk site. Thanks for sharing these useful tips here.

    Have a Great Day 🙂

  3. Addy Brown says

    Your website is considered trustworthy and relevant in Google’s eye if it has many backlinks that are coming from the reliable sources. And when it comes to backlinks, the quality matter a lot over the quantity of the backlinks.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Addy

      That’s true, backlinks quality is much more important than quantity.

      All the best

  4. Raj Sharma says

    Backlinks are really an essential aspect of SEO as they help us to build our website’s domain and page authorities, which directly contribute to search result rankings. Also, I got some useful and powerful tip for building backlinks for my blog. Keep writing such posts further.

  5. Matt Hayden says

    Seems to me that the SEO value of backlinks has fallen a bit. But they are still a big part of how the search engines work out the quality and relevance of a page.

    I doubt very much that they’ll ever become irrelevant. It’s just that there are more and more factors being considered.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Matt

      I agree you with. Backlinks are still important (and they will always be) but it’s just one of the factors taken into account by search algorithms.

      Thanks for your comment

  6. Mark Anthony says

    Backlinks are important factors in SEO. When it comes to backlinks, it is important that backlinks should come from the authoritative sites. Because it directly affects in ranking. Keep doing great work.

    Thanks. 🙂

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Mark

      Backlinks coming from authoritative and relevant websites are high quality backlinks and thus very important for rankings.

      Thanks for commenting

  7. Deepak Sharma says

    Thanks for Sharing great long and very informative post. Backlinks are the backbone for any website growth, and getting backlinks can come out as make or break thing for any webmaster. Building quality content values the most, and that wants to be too good that people would be pleased to share to others.

  8. Neil Dimapilis says

    few good quality back links are okay compared to multiple low quality back links. am i right?

  9. John Green says

    A great and well-organized article about search engine optimization. Backlinks are the main factor for survival in the world of web. You introduced ourselves to the world of SEO very simply. Thanks for this great article and this is gonna make some positive changes in my SEO career.

  10. Brad Russell says

    Backlinks will ALWAYS be important! I get clients asking me all the time if backlinks are really necessary and if we can just concentrate on on-page optimization. My answer: yes, they are absolutely necessary.

    The way you go about obtaining them (and the relevancy, quality etc), well that’s a whole other story.

    • Alex Chris says

      HI Brad

      That’s true. It’s not a matter of quantity but quality.

      All the best

  11. Larry Sheckell says

    Great post. I believe backlinks will always be an important ranking factor, at least as long as the internet remains connected with links as the main tissue holding it together.

    It’s the only data that search engines such as Google can rely on for gauging the importance of pages. Social signals are good, but in order to use them as a primary signal Google would need to be reliant on 3rd party data. And I don’t see them going down that road any time soon.

    That said, the way in which links are obtained and the quality of those links has become more important than ever.

  12. Devon says

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you so much! You put this information in easy-to-understand language for us. Its a great article about search engine optimization. I have been blogging on and off for 4 years, but I am only now starting to learn about SEO. It’s tricky for a non-techy type of person. But you made this article easy to understand. Thank you!

  13. Paul Walker says

    Today I’m very much thankful to you because I’m not confused about the topic of backlinks. This post really help me to what can do backlinks for our sites. Thanks for sharing valuable information. Really great post.

  14. Adam Axford says

    Thanks for this informative article. You have shared very useful and detailed information. It really helps me to understand the concept of backlinks.

  15. Ashutosh D M says

    Seems to me that the SEO value of backlinks has fallen a bit. But they are still a big part of how the search engines work out the quality and relevance of a page.

    I doubt very much that they’ll ever become irrelevant. It’s just that there are more and more factors being considered.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Ashutosh

      I agree with you. There are many factors that are important for rankings, but links still play a critical role.

      Thanks for commenting,

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