What Is Alt Text? Examples & Best Practices

Learn how to write good image alt text to improve the accessibility of your website. Includes examples and best SEO practices.

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  1. Hope Pius says

    What about renaming the image with the keyword.

    Will it improve SEO?

    This is a must read for image optimization. Thanks Alex.

  2. Michael Stevin says

    Hey Alex,

    I changed the keywords for several of my articles on my site.

    When I save the images to my library on WordPress, I type in the keyword for the post with hyphens between each word.

    How much will having a different title for the image and the article affect my SEO?

    Do you recommend going back and reloading each image with a new title?

    Or should I just change the alt text in the library to optimize me site SEO?


    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Michael

      What is more important for image SEO is the ALT text. If your alt text is correct then you don’t have to worry too much about the image filenames. Going forward you can use better filenames but you don’t have to go back and change the names of your existing images. It won’t make a big difference.

      I hope this helps

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