How to Make Your First $100K From Google AdSense (Case Study)

AdSense success story. A step-by-step guide on how to make a living with Google Adsense.

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  1. Andrew Adam says

    Awesome guide! Thanks for sharing. You’ve done a great job at laying out the steps while not making it seem overly easy to accomplish. Your blog continues to motivate me to do something I think of far to often without taking action.

    • Alex says

      Hi Andrew

      Thanks a lot for your comment. I know the feeling of ‘thinking’ and not ‘doing’ but the sooner you start ‘acting’, the sooner you will reach your goals.


  2. Narinder kumar says

    Thanks, Alex for sharing great information to earn more money with AdSense by following this steps its really helpful for me to increase Adsense income.

  3. Harmandeep Singh Chhabra says

    Thanks, Alex Sir
    Everyone is using Adsense on their blog, but they don’t know how 300×250 size banner and responsive banner makes huge money for them. Thanks for the true value. Every time you share an epic piece of content and Yes, Good things take time.

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Harmandeep

      That’s true 300×250 it’s the best performing unit.

      All the best

  4. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    Thanks for this great post. I am also struggling to make money from Google AdSense. I think that this post will definitely helps me to increase my AdSense earning.

  5. James says

    One of the best post I ever read on AdSense. Still wondering how I wasn’t able to discover your site before now. Just learnt a lot now especially the page level ads and the customisation for mobile ads .Thanks for this

  6. Shafiul Azam says

    It was a compact elaboration about adsense success story. I feel too much confident regarding adsense as my future career. The article was so easy to ready and interacting and helped a lot.

  7. Vipul Baldaniya says

    Hi Alex,
    Thanks for sharing this great post, this helps us all money maker people from Adsense. I am also finding how to make money from Google AdSense. I think this post will definitely help me to increase my AdSense earning.


  8. Akash Negi says

    Hello Alex Sir,

    Thanks for this great post. I am also struggling to make money from Google AdSense. I think that this post will definitely helps me to increase my AdSense earning.

  9. Zdenek Zbynovec says

    Nice article I took some advices from this and I will try and experiment with them. I hope that it will helps. I think that making money from adsense is just a lot of experimenting a little bit mathematics and working hard – at least from the begining.

  10. Mazhar Ahmad says

    Just started my health site, let see if its get the approval of adsense. I will follow your tips for sure.

  11. Binosh says

    Motivated, am using adsense 4 months now and still getting very low amount, but now i knew where i need to improve, thanks for this awesome article.

  12. Alfred says

    Thanks for this, I have been able to cross the $1000 mark by using your example of forcing 300×250 on the ad below the first paragraph.

  13. Sagar Verma says

    Hi Alex,
    I have created a blog post for a high CPC keyword and it is ranking on the first page. But I’m not getting that much of CPC from that blog post even after Ads click are there.
    Please tell me why? It is a high CPC keyword. Should I ask to any USA or Canada user to click on any Ad?
    Thank you

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Sagar

      Asking other users to click your ads is a violation of adsense guidelines and can get your account banned for life. Don’t try this or any other techniques that might get you in trouble.

      The amount you get for a click depends on a number of factors like quality of traffic, type of ad, relevancy of the ad with what the user is searching, ad location, country of the searcher, country of the publisher, country of advertiser, and many more factors that are outside your control.

      Your best course of action is to keep improving your website with high quality content so that gradually you will increase your traffic and get more natural ad clicks.

      Hope this helps

  14. Sahil says

    Oh My God, This is the first Blog Post in my whole Life that I read very Carefully and with an Open Mind.

    You Guys are doing Great. Please Share every Little Tip that you guys learn from your Experience.

    You guys are like the Digital Mentors for me.

    Thank you.
    From Sahil.

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