Adsense Matched Content Review – How and when to use them

Everything you need to know about Adsense Matched Content Ads.

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  1. Thanveer says

    Nice article, just now i got invitation from adsense for matched content and your article ckeared all my doubts

  2. Ferri says

    Today i’ve got message on my dashboard about this ,and yes, now my site is eligible, time to try it 😀

    Thanks Alex

    • Alex Chris says

      Good luck Ferri! Let us know your experience with matched content ads.


  3. Fernando Dias says

    Thanks a lot for the article. Helped me!

    I have a problem, I can use Matched content but I can’t see where to activate ads for the same matched content. It works, shows related pages but no ads.

    Where is the option to include ads?



  4. kelly says

    Great article explaining the new ads and how and if to use them. You answered a lot of my questions!!

  5. Hindro Hindrianto says

    The drawback of matched content is that we can not set the font size. We can only set the color and also select font types that is limited. In my blog, the font size of matched content is greater than the blog font size overall. It seem less neat and balanced.

  6. Ali Ghotki says

    i used matched content ads unit for 15 days but problem is only my website post are shown on it and my page RPM is going down When i made matched content unit there are no monetize option on it please suggest me i remove matched content unit or not ?

  7. Amit says

    I am using Adsense since last two years but my matched content ads is not enabled yet. is there any other procedure or workaround to make it enable or active?
    Actually I dont want to use adsense ads on my blog but I can use the matched content widgets to my blog to make it look more better.
    Suggest me if any.


  8. James says

    I am currently using matched content on my blog but I noticed a decrease in my RPM and even clicks . Not really sure what wwent wrong. What van you say, does AdSense matched content affect RPM?

  9. Sarkari Naukri says

    I tried matched content ads in my niche site, but it is showing very low-quality ads. I don’t prefer this kind of ads.

  10. Boty says

    I also found that my site is enabled for Matched content. Had few doubts. Your article cleared all my doubts.

  11. Karthik Linga says

    Great Article. All around clarified and got what I anticipated that would arrive here. Matched content unit opportunity is to demonstrate just our related matched content as an advertisement in our pages. Is generally used to build page-views and ads impression.

    Looking for more features like this from Adsense.

    Happy blogging
    Cheers !

  12. Oren says

    My site was approved for matched content, really exciting! now I know what does it mean, and I will try it.

  13. Kapil says

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for posting such a great article… I have two websites and I am using matched content ads but I am facing speed performance issues by using this ad because in the ad all the images load from 3rd party resources. 🙁

  14. Warren Hauck says

    Howdy Alex

    I have several pages that I do not want to show up on the matched content ads. Is there a way to either specify only the pages that you want google to display, or filter out certain pages that you do not want to display?



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