14 Biggest SEO Mistakes (And How To Fix Them)

You need to avoid these common SEO mistakes if you want to succeed with SEO. Simple steps that everyone can follow.

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  1. Adam says

    The Google Keyword tool only seems to be available now if you’re paying for AdWords. Any suggestions for other possibilities here?

  2. harsha says

    Hi Alex,

    This was nice article and straight approach for getting better for our websites, also waiting for your new as mentioned. Does bloggers blogspot is excluded from ranking from first page because I do not see mine not even others who are ranking from Blogspot, what is the issue on this.

  3. Reginald says

    Hi Alex,

    Okay, I can’t deny the #10 part. I got hit by Hummingbird and Penguin 2.1 due to that. I was having too many links coming in even though it is natural. Basically, Google seems too many link building over time as a chance of spamming. Of course, after two weeks of being hit (between 7- 14 days) traffic hit back and everything is back to business.

    Moral of the story: Don’t build them too fast! Haha

    Thanks mate.


  4. Scott Ludtke says

    Hi Alex:

    A great 10 pack of sound, useful SEO tips for both beginners and veterans alike.
    I have a feeling that many people will be feeling the wrath of Hummingbird before too long.

  5. Adam says

    The Google Keyword tool only seems to be available now if you’re paying for AdWords. Any suggestions for other possibilities here?

    • Alex says

      Hi Adam

      The Google keyword tool (www.google.com/sktool) is free, you only need to have an Adwords account but you don’t have to be running any paid campaigns. Hope this helps.


  6. Emmerey Rose says

    What a great article Alex. Very helpful tips. In terms of page loading speed, does the plugins and images affect it?

  7. Jaime Olaer says

    Hi Alex,

    I think I have to start reading all your blog posts not just the new ones, because by doing this I can be an SEO expert like you.

    I want to purchase The Complete WordPress SEO Guide also, but unfortunately, my Ccard has some technical problem and still have to contact the issuing bank.


  8. Ansari says

    Great tips Alex. It is helpful for every webmaster. I like your writing style, easy to read. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Sabina says

    Hello Alex,
    I have a question. If I am doing SEO for a very new site, how much duration should I wait to start building link? Any specific number (like 6months, 8 months) would be much helpful 🙂

  10. Shivam Sahu says

    Hi Alex
    Thanks for the great tips! I’m new to online marketing, and this is really helpful! Since getting started, I’ve been bombarded by “spin writers” and such to create a TON of content quickly, but you seem to say that these search engines have become sophisticated enough to determine when your content is crap. Am I understanding that right?

  11. samantha williams says

    Pretty cool article. I did well in ensuring that I saved it to my pocket app since it’s pretty useful, especially for subsequent years to come. I’m not into On-page SEO at the moment. I practice it when I can but I am really into building links (Off-page SEO). If you can compose an article about Link building that would be GREAT!

    Great article.

    • Alex says

      Hi Samantha

      Thanks for your comment. On-Page SEO is the safest way to start building some good rankings online especially with Google but definitely an article on off page SEO is something I plan to publish really soon so stay tuned…


  12. Romjan Dhayan says

    This post was good and you mentioned above all the points of on page mistakes. Hope this guide will help newbies. Keep writing good contents like this. Thank you!

  13. Paul says

    Thank you for such a clear and well written article. As a beginner in SEO it’s refreshing to be able to follow the advise given in plain English with the minimum of geek speak. Looking forward to more great info.

    • Alex says

      Hi Paul

      Thanks a lot for commenting. That was exactly the purpose, to help beginners avoid these 5 common SEO mistakes.


  14. Harmandeep Singh says

    Hi Alex, I like your articles, they are so help for beginners, professionals and enterpreuners. I have 1 question, you had written that Don’t use H1 tag more than 1 time,
    What about h2 and h3 tags ?
    Can we use h2 and h3 tags more than once or nor.

    • Alex says

      Hi Harmandeep

      Yes we can use h2 and h3 tags more than once. Think of it like a book where a chapter has one title (h1) and then several sections (h2 0r h3)

      Hope this helps

  15. Shareeness says

    Greatly appreciate your straight forward translation from geek to layman: stoked how much I’m learning, thanks Alex, nice one. Wishing for you juicy crunchy apples 😉

    • Alex Chris says

      Thanks a lot! SEO is simple if you stick to the basic rules and avoid exaggerations.

      Thanks for commenting.

  16. Shahidul Rakib says

    This is really amazing article. When I learn to rank website, My tutor teach me to submit press release to the websites!

    I was confused because many of the people are suggesting not to use press release for link-building. I research a lot but get a mix of opinions.

    Finally, I read your content and now I understand, why I should not use the press release for my website. Its all about Google Update!

    Thanks for the info man!

  17. David says

    Hi Alex

    Indeed a great post about SEO mistakes.

    According to me, Search engine optimization is something which can make our future If we do it the right way.

    You have listed most common seo mistakes which almost every blogger is doing.

    In order to rank instantly in SERPs, people are trying un-ethical SEO strategies like keyword stuffing, building low quality or spam links.

    Keyword stuffing is the most common and worst SEO mistake I have ever seen. People think that filling the article with so many keywords will help them to rank fast.

    But It is wrong, Nowadays Google is very much strict for such webmasters and rolling regular updates to kill these webmaster’s work.

    Copying articles from other site is also a most common seo mistake and I had also did this mistake when I started my blogging carrier But now I have completely avoided it.

    I am completely against keyword stuffing and copying content.

    Thanks for listing all the mistakes here so that people can learn about these mistakes and can try to avoid them. 😀

  18. Rubel says


    Well, Greatly described points about SEO mistakes, we make or have made in our past.

    When it started my career in blogging, the only thing I know, was writing article and building links, but majority of my articles were full of keywords and the links I was building was just spam links with optimized anchor texts.

    Also, I was not aware of internal links important, but with time everything has improved and these days, I rarely make any SEO mistake.

    But, still a huge number of newbies are making these mistakes and I sadly say, that they are wasting their valuable time.

    So, considering this, a brilliant post written, it will help many out there, searching for this.

    Keep up the good work.


    • rsadmin says

      Hi Rubel

      Thanks for your comment. We all make mistakes in SEO especially in the beginning when we are anxious to get results as fast as possible. I wrote this post so that newbies will not make the same mistakes.


  19. Sebastian says

    Very interesting article! As someone who just started blogging, unfortunately I made the mistake of falling into the “buying backlinks is a great idea” mindset. Naturally, now I’m panicking. I think in total there were probably 100 links made over a month or two, all of which were apparently “High PR 7-9”, then about 300 wiki links (truthfully I don’t even know what that is). Do you think this will have a negative affect on my site? I’ve noticed some of my top ranking articles have disappeared from google, but I’m pretty sure that’s due to a webmaster tools error I made (making errors left and right). If the backlinks do end up having a negative effect, is that effect permanent, or how does that usually work?

    • Alex says

      Hi Sebastian

      Without knowing all the details I can tell you that it will definitely have a negative impact on your website. Your articles disappeared from Google because of a penalty and not because of errors in webmaster tools. The effect is not permanent but you will have to take actions to recover from it. I suggest you read this: https://www.reliablesoft.net/how-to-check-if-your-website-is-penalized-by-google-364/.

      In my ebook I have a whole chapter dedicated to link building and how to approach it correctly for new and older websites. In short, everything you do should be without exaggerations and without buying or participating in link exchange schemes.

      Hope this helps

  20. shailesh shakya says

    Thanks for sharing this valuable content.
    However, it is very easy to do On-page SEO. because these are the things that are in our control and as the time passes webmaster become more familiar with on-page SEO terms.
    but off-page SEO is very important to develop a great background which indicates that the content of the website is very important for the audience.
    But I am a little bit worry about off-page SEO.
    I am writing a good piece of content but I am unable to build the network with the audience. I am unable to generate traffic. what do I need to do?. please help me.
    Thank you, sir

  21. Marc H. says

    regarding #1. I heard rumors the keyword tool will be made exclusively available if you pay for a campaign. In case this happens, do you have alternative tools?

    • Alex says

      Hi Marc

      It’s not rumours, if you don’t have active campaigns in Adwords, the keyword tool does not show all the details for specific keywords. It shows you the total search volume for related keywords grouped together.

      I personally use Semrush.

  22. Shubham says

    Thanks for the info, I am continuously following your posts and applied the same on my personal website and got good results, I am new to seo, you may have look on my website and tell me whether there is anything to improve. Thanks.

  23. Monica Collins says

    Hi Alex!

    Great article! Thanks for writing and sharing this info. Your articles are so full of very helpful and useful tips! Just thought you should know that it is REALLY appreciated!

    M. Collins

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