10 Bad SEO Practices That Will Destroy Your Google Rankings

Avoid these bad SEO techniques to protect your website's reputation and rankings.

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  1. Harry Andrew says

    Hi Alex !
    Really, Your Article About ” 10 Bad SEO practices that will destroy your Google Rankings” is very interesting and very knowledgeable for doing SEO work. I heads-off you for this awesome Article.

  2. Xaif says

    Hey I read the post of yours it was pretty amazing. I would like to know that deleting any post is also bad seo practice?

    • Alex says

      Hi Xaif

      Not, deleting posts is not a bad seo practice. If it’s not a good post, you can delete it or you can redirect it to some other related post on your website.

      Hope this helps

  3. Keenan Garvey says

    love this Article, straight to the point! I have been in SEO for 4 years and every year I hear the same old people say “SEO is dead”….ummm well those people aren’t actually anything to do with SEO and have no idea the power it holds!

    SEO is one of the most credible ways to get your website seen and to generate third-phase customers, the ones READY to buy! Any business owner who overlooks this are playing with fire, simple.

    • Alex says

      Hi Keenan

      I wouldn’t agree with you more! SEO was and it still is one of the most important tools of Digital Marketing.


  4. Jakob Boman says

    Well written and easy to understand. I love that as too many try to make SEO too complicated.
    Thanks for sharing.-)

  5. Ben says

    Thanks for sharing the blog. It is very important to get the quality backlinks for your website. Spam backlinks will automatically decrease the ranking and authority of website in search engines. SEO done in right way always brings good ROI. So its good for webmasters to avoid the 10 bad SEO practice that will destroy Google ranking. Keep sharing your blog for further more interesting updates.

    • Alex says

      Hi Ben

      True, you need good quality backlinks but you need to get them the proper way (natural links) and not otherwise.


  6. Steve Williams says

    Our website is being punished by Google (not a Manual Action) and I’m trying to cleanse our backlink profile. I found links to Links2go and it seems it’s a paid site. although they have great UR & DR (according to AHREFS).

    Should I have it removed? There are 34 links pointing to us, which seems excessive for a directory :/

  7. Elbert says

    Here I found what mistakes I have done in seo and why my website ranking destroyed. Now I’ll consider all these factors and again starting seo of website.

  8. Alok says

    Hi Alex,

    Excellent post on bad SEO practices, I really like it as I m newbie in SEO field. Today I know how to improve my self in form of white SEO

  9. Kapil verma says

    Your Blog Post is informative ,Updated my knowledge regarding artificial Intelligence used by google , I have subscribed to your blog updates , your blog seems like a great SEO Guide -Easy to understand and follow.

  10. Andrew Josh says

    Hi Alex. How about a new blog, how to get it achieve the good position for the targeted keyword, having a new blog is a frustrating job for impatient guy like me, do you have tips to help me?

  11. Eagle says

    Interesting Article about Seo . Negative seo or doing bad practicing to get higher google ranking will lost ranking in search result . Thanks for Sharing .

  12. Eric Ben says

    thanks.. I know many things about good and bad seo from your nice blog post. thanks sharing such a good blog. now I definitely remember this when i seo my site. thanks again

  13. Arindam Basu says

    I wonder, how to handle content like a block of disclaimer text, which is exactly same content for every pages. Will it destroy SEO? If it does, what should we do to tackle this problem?

    • Alex Chris says

      Hi Arindam

      That should not be an issue at all. You can keep you disclaimer text in your pages.

      Hope this helps

  14. Aim Bizcon says

    Great article and very accurate for all the points. Strongly believe in the motto content is king, and excellent content should be held as key to any SEO campaign.

  15. Richard says

    Hi Alex,

    Great article and point 6 is very important. User experience is now a major part of keeping rankings once you have them, and to many ads above the fold is not good. Whatever the searcher is looking for should be in clear view without the need to scroll.

  16. Minakshi Srivastava says

    Hi Alex,

    Bad SEO practices are not something new.Many people tend to follow some wrong SEO strategies and end up losing their potential clients.By the way great job on the article.

  17. Harpreet says

    I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned today with this post.

    I had last year an issue with keyword cannibalization and I found the fix on your blog.

    A million thanks to you buddy.

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