How To Create A Winning SEO Strategy (Step-By-Step)

These are the steps to create an effective SEO strategy for higher rankings. Outrank your organic competitors with proven strategies.

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  1. Bishnu says

    I never ever read that type of actionable blueprint on SEO…
    I am going to use in my blog to getting more search traffic from Google…
    Thanks for your Amazing SEO framework.

  2. Priyanka says

    This article is very detailed and informative on this topic, thanks for sharing!

  3. teja says

    i am going to use this plan to get more traffic for my website,
    thanks for sharing great article.

  4. Fiona Manoon says

    Hey Alex, I would like to say thanks a Lot for sharing this Valuable information with us. It seems Really very informative.

  5. Kyle L Kanter says

    Appreciate the topic and the detail in this article.
    I prefer your approach, Alex, of assigning the goal of Increasing Traffic, rather than promising leads which may or may not materialize.
    SEOers doing that do both the client and themselves a disservice!

  6. Adekunle Ife says

    I have read over a hundred post on seo and over 50 videos but I have never learnt anything in depth and beneficial like this post. Thanks so much. God bless.✌

  7. Deepak says

    It’s a very interesting blog. Now it’s something I’m searching on the Internet. Thanks for this blog post, it will help me a lot to generate 100K user traffic per month.

  8. Vishwajeet Kumar says

    Hello Alex,

    SEO seems to be a constantly changing world. Google changes its algorithm more often. We have to work thoroughly on our on-page SEO and Off-Page SEO to leverage good ranking in search engine result page. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips and SEO insights.


  9. Prashant says

    Thanks for sharing the strategy of SEO for boosting a website. I, ll definitely try it for my website. I think that it will work for boosting my website.

  10. Johnson Ifeco says

    This post was EPIC. I spent an hour carefully reading through it, and checking out all of the different sites and tools you recommended throughout the article. This post is as good as most books about blogging and content marketing, in my opinion. Bookmarked & shared. Thanks again!

  11. Astrotalk says

    Awesome article. You have explained beautifully all the strategies to get the organic traffic.

  12. David Jeson says

    good work, it’s valuable information for learning SEO marketing and boost the traffic of your website. Thanks for sharing these actionable tips. Appreciate your efforts.

  13. David Jeson says

    Extremely Great work, Thanks for offer helpful data. the posts on your blog are having enlightening and important substance.content with proper keyword research attract right audience. Thanks for providing me actionable tips. Appreciate your efforts.

  14. King Crescent says

    Great Alex,

    Thank you for such informative stuff on SEO. These strategies will work to drive the organic traffic on your website. It also helps to boost the ranking. If you properly handle the SEO according to the Google guidelines, you will surely rank your website.

  15. Alice says

    Such an in-depth article. All 13 steps are really easy to follow. I’ve just built up my website and haven’t got much traffic. I think these tips will help increase the website’s organic sessions.

  16. steven smith says

    This article is very detailed and informative on this topic, thanks for sharing! i am going to use this plan to get more traffic for my website,
    thanks for sharing the great article.
    Steven Smith

  17. Andrew James says

    Hi, your article was nice and good. Thanks for sharing the worthful information and content

  18. riya says

    Excellent post and I loved the way you explained every small point with proper pictures and example. thanks for sharing the post and keep touch with us

    Thanks for an awesome read.

  19. Murphy martins says

    This post was EPIC. I spent an hour carefully reading through it, and checking out all of the different sites and tools you recommended throughout the article. This post is as good as most books about blogging and content marketing, in my opinion. Bookmarked & shared. Thanks again!

  20. Naqleen says

    Very deeply explained about SEO and organic traffic…!!!Everyone needs traffic source now a days either for business or personal use.

  21. Eugene Frye says

    I think you shared an effective guidelines for SEO Strategy to get to 100K.
    I really appreciate your effort for giving such information to your community. I think the create pillar content part is really important when you communicating with your followers.
    Expecting more information related to this post. Appreciated !!

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